The geekhack thread says its in the 2017 queue, so hopefully they'll come in the spring. There aren't many details though, I really hope it stays on Massdrop.
I don't understand the issue with DSA (as in...I lack the knowledge - I just don't get why this is a bad thing or what alternatives are better), but regardless I need this in my life and would be willing to pay more than I should for it.
It ain't a ketset if it ain't dsa. This Miami Dolch keys would need to be dsa. I had more then enough Cherry OEM Caps over the years, which were fine, but dsa just rocks my world. This is especially true if you are rocking a 40 or 60% like the Van, Planck or Pok3r
That escalated quick, so many votes in such a short time, respect!
And i want to second that, stick to YOUR vision, many people raising their voice about their preference, which is fine, want to change it to their kind of vision, only :)
Good luck and have a nice day.