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I REALLY need the elvish set, been looking everywhere for it. this is probably the closest thing to getting it
absolutely NEED the 42 set. would like a 42 keycap and maybe a towel to go along w/it:)
PLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE do the Futurama set. That on the Rocketeer I just ordered would be perfection.
I’d love to have the 42 set! Reach out to me if it’s doable?? Hope you don’t mind my request, its mostly harmless. So long and thanks for all the fish
hey everybody i just added the official Star Wars Star Wars Galactic Empire DSA Keycap Set licensed by Lucas Films.  Full Aurebesh or Aurebesh with English Sublegends. Then 10 free awesome novelty keycaps. These are the real ones!
Cool, the keycap set you have for Star Wars has incorrect legends, so if that does end up being a thing, make sure it's with the proper alphabet (refer to the DSA caps)
Please bring back the DSA Drifters!
I designed the Futurama set a few years ago and it never lead anywhere. I think I can still dig up the project files for it. I would definitely want to change a few things. Mainly the modifier icons. I think the displayed set is even an older version as I'm pretty sure I simplified the mods a bit. If I remember correctly, I stopped updating this as I lost my Photoshop/Illustrator license from my old job. I'll see if I can find the old files and do an update to this sometime.
Still waiting on that /r/TheExpanse design...
WOW, you all really like the Futurama caps, and it is not even close. Hey Massdrop, I have no resources, but the people have spoken
We gotta figure out a way to get you a gig/deal with a manufacturer or something!
Shut up and take my money!
The 42 set is hawt
Yoda keycaps just looks like SA Camping
yea it does, I think that when ever I see it, but the idea I think is interesting.
So good, all of them!
Yoda? Legend of Zelda if you ask me.