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Does anyone know where i can get my hands on the code for the light changes?
I checked back here just now... and I see

Anyone care to vote?
Why don't you just have all of the options in one and you can select the switch type during checkout?
Red switch wins this poll, but no one is buying the Corsair RGB that's dropped right now because they are reds...
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oops, my bad
Any possibility of some locks? I used to have a locking meta key and that was very nice
Nope, they don't make any locking switches at the moment for the RGB switches.
is green in the realm of possibilities?
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They only make the 4 that you see in the poll at the moment, but you could mod them to have the stem and springs of a green switch, although that would cost you extra as you would have to buy extra normal ones to cannibalize for the RGB switches.
Not now, Cherry only makes RGB Blue, Red, Black, and Brown. I too would love to see RGB Green switches.
Any Idea whether cherry will actually distribute these? From what I understand, corsair has an temporary exclusivity contract that I don't think has expired, and when that is over other manufacturers will probably be buying these up so fast that I doubt cherry will be distributing to a GB any time soon...
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If it's true the exclusive deal is over. But i doubt very much, that we'll see these switches soon on MD, they are hardly able to drop regular switches. And i guess there is a high demand of regular shops and manufacturers like Ducky waiting for their share.