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Update Time!
None of the vendors who list ducky products have any keyboards available for listing right now due to a presumed cherry switch shortage. Will provide more information when possible.
Vortex is focusing their manufacturing efforts on keyboards that aren't the Poker II. Currently there are none available for purchase but we'll keep looking and report back if any become available.
Spoke with Das keyboard, they were interested in the listing but the price they want to list is ~$10 less than newegg after shipping costs. Is that a worthwhile price break? I don't think so, but you tell me and we'll make a choice on Das.
Working with WASD to list some CODE keyboards, stay tuned for that.
We're talking with Max Keyboards about listing on Massdrop again as well. The nighthawk has a lot of requests and we're trying to get it back up as quickly as possible.
We'll post more information as it becomes available.
Apr 16, 2014
WillWhat about Func? The MS-3 was a hit, their KB-460 will also probably be.
Apr 17, 2014
ZKChenI have the Func KB-460, it's a very good keyboard, great quality, and quite affordable.
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