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A long sword or hand-and-a-half sword offers more hand protection than you get with a Japanese sword, and the leverage you get with two handed use, with one hand on the pommel, gives you greater flexibility of movement and faster changes in direction and potentially faster cuts. I have the Cold Steel Italian long sword, 1830 Napolean Sabre, and I just order their hand-and-a-half sword (grade A sword second).
if you are looking for a deal on swords check out Cold Steel's sword seconds from time to time. They are currently selling their hand and a half sword (bastard sword) as a grade A second for US$153.
yo but that stick tho
This poll has been changed from its original (year old!) choices - specifically, the Cold Steel Warrior series katana was removed; and the Nodachi is now leading. What happened?
I love how the most voted one is the Japanese sword. So many fedoralords here it seems. Certainly explains the recommended fedora as well.
why's there a fedora in this?
the katana is not "the greatest sword ever dude" I prefer an articulated grip for better control (faster wrist cuts) expending less energy.
I feel a Katana is more artistic than a weapon, still serves the purpose though.
Btw if any of you are interested in European Swordsmanship, have a look at this:
Would this be shipped to Greece without a problem or am I just going to lose couple hundred bucks
I'm seeing language on the knife drops that, due to increased scrutiny and seizure at customs, they are limiting those drops to US buyers. I imagine swords would have the same limitations. Sorry.
I would love to buy a zombie tools apokatana
I would buy the katana. My martial arts school has an iaido class, and the lightweight alloy swords don't impress me - I feel it should be done with full weight swords for authenticity. Then of course there's the coming zombie apocalypse. So, yeah.
Anyone actually going to buy one?
If it's cheap enough to hang on the wall
I see the Nodachi is the most popular, but I'm not sure it should be included with the rest of these options. It's primarily a cavalry weapon, almost analagous to a lance. All these others can be used on foot as well, but the nodachi, not so much, because of its length. I'd be happy to see it against, say, a halberd, or the 1917 saber, as opposed to the cutlass. I'm just not sure it belongs in this category.
If only the medieval times had massdrop