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Recent review from a customer on the Aquacy Cave Diver copied and pasted from the site: Wonderful dive watch implementation! Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2019 DISCLAIMER: I did not buy this watch from ******--I received it from Aquacy. I owned an original Aquacy 1769 from their Kickstarter campaign. The 1769 is an awesome watch, but I didn't like its aesthetics. I inquired with Aquacy about the possibility of trading my 1769 for the Cave Diver (comparable value), and they graciously agreed to do the trade. So, I have an Aquacy Cave Diver that was received in trade for an Aquacy 1769. Both watches had the white mother of pearl dial, and, in my mind at least, the watches are quite comparable--I just liked the aesthetics of the Cave Diver better. I received the watch, by happenstance, on a day in which I had planned a training dive (scuba). So, I opened the box, set the watch, popped it on my wrist, and headed out the door to my dive. I did two training dives that day to 50/60 feet. The watch performed flawlessly. In general, I am quite pleased with this watch, and will make it a regularly in my daily wear rotation. My review will comprise the accuracy of the movement, the leather band, and the watch's appearance and aesthetics. First, the accuracy of the movement. This watch has a Seiko NH38A movement. Generally speaking, one would expect this movement to keep time to around 20 seconds a day, per the spec, but my watch is doing much, much better. In fact, after five days, the watch has gained just under 10 seconds, for a rate of + 1.9 seconds/day. This five-day period encompasses wearing the watch on my wrist, setting it in a couple of different orientations on my nightstand, and putting it on a winder. As you can see from the attached screenshot of the offset graph (from the excellent iOS app WatchTracker), the accuracy varies depending on its orientation, as you expect. In the end, this is excellent accuracy for a watch in this price range. I contacted Aquacy about this accuracy, and they said that they did not regulate this watch prior to shipping, and that they are seeing very good accuracy with all of the movements they have received for the Cave Diver. Next, the leather band. When I first put the watch on my wrist, I was a little suspicious of the leather band. It is very thick and stiff. However, after wearing it for just a couple of hours (including on the aforementioned training dives), I became a fan of the band. Generally speaking, I do not like leather bands. I prefer to wear nylon Nato or Zulu bands, especially when diving as they are safer against loss. But I will wear the leather band that came with this watch regularly--it's very comfortable, and very stout. You don't have to worry that it will break. I believe that it will also withstand exposure to water if it receives a little care now and then (e.g., rub in a little NikWax). I have a roughly 7 1/2 inch wrist, and I believe I could wear the leather band with this watch while wearing a 5mm wetsuit (but probably not a 7mm wetsuit)--the length is just about right for me. Finally, the watch's appearance and aesthetics. I did not like the Aquacy 1769 after I got it because I thought the hands were too skinny and the markers too small. This made the watch somewhat difficult to read in many lighting conditions. This is a particularly important issue for a dive watch that one actually wears diving (as I do). Of course, I rely on my dive computer to help me stay safe when diving, but it's nice to take a quick glance at the other wrist and see the time and how long I've been in the water. Reading the 1769 in the water would have been difficult (I never wore it diving). The Aquacy Cave Diver is vastly different. The markers are easier to see, and hands are much bigger and quite visible--they clearly take their inspiration from other famous dive watches that cost 10-20x more than the Cave Diver. The dial is the white mother of pearl. I like MOP because each piece has its own unique personality. Depending on how the light falls on the dial, you can see various shades and shadows and lines that really pop. It's compelling and beautiful, and I am quite enamored with it. Of course, the elephant in the room which I haven't discussed yet is the "cyclops" hole in the dial showing the watch's "heartbeat." I have the feeling that this feature is quite polarizing for watch aficionados. The first day I wore the watch to work, I passed it around the table at lunch and asked my coworkers what they thought about the heartbeat. To a person, they said they liked it. I was surprised by that--I thought some wouldn't like it. The heartbeat makes the watch somewhat unique--there are a few other examples out there (some of which use the same movement), but it's not common. You may not like the the heartbeat--if you don't, you'll probably go elsewhere. But if it appeals to you, then I believe you'll love the implementation in the Aquacy Cave Diver. I'm fascinated by mechanical movements, so, for me, the heartbeat is a nice feature. In summary, I love the Cave Diver, and it will be part of my daily rotation. The white MOP is beautiful to look upon, easily legible, and keeps very accurate time. The leather band is comfortable, though I've switched to my preferred nylon Nato as noted above. I'm a fan, and recommend you seriously consider this watch. The value for the price is hard to beat.
Jan 16, 2020
AquacyA little long winded, but maybe the guy was breaking in a new keyboard? He does mention he came by the watch in an unusual way. I wonder if you'll allow all your customers to trade their watches for other models--or was it a deal for just that guy? I don't know, I like your other fan from Alabama better--the guy we never hear a peep from--seldom makes a comment about any drop ever, almost like he's in hibernation just waiting--for one of your watches drops?! Then he suddenly bursts out of his little cocoon and flutters around the drop making the wildest comments imaginable, like: "best watch made" and "keeps better time than my Rolex." And then suddenly, when your drop is over, he goes back to wherever he came from, never to be seen again--until your next drop!

Oh look! He's back now with another testimonial! Well I guess we all have our favorite reviewers right? I'm partial to Jody over at Just One More Watch he reviewed one of your watches a while back. He didn't exactly hate it; he just said he couldn't recommend it. Never heard him say that about any other watch! Hey--think he's a Friedman too?! Nah--who ever heard of Scotsman with that last name! Anyway, he's a hoot to watch--love that accent!
Heres a link that review:

Jan 17, 2020
RayFGreat to hear from you RayF! Been a long time. Not sure what your beef is with this company and myself. I love watches and know quite a bit about them. I'm leaving a small sample of the watches that I own below. I've purchased several others from DROP, recently a Glycine GMT soda due to ship during June. I'm not sure if you are a competitor of Aquacy or just a board piece of shit that enjoys trolling small companies that are successful. I'm guessing that you are a white male in your, maybe 40's, still living at home in the basement with your parents hoping Bernie Sanders wins something so that you can continue to get free shit... Just my opinion and yes I'm a tax payer paying for you!!!

Jan 17, 2020
TdreynoldsNope, you're all wrong about me. Let's see if can do better with you? You're an insecure guy with piss-poor taste in watches who wears too much cologne. How'd I do? My "beef" with this company is pretty well spelled out. Your bromance with it is a little less clear. On the political side, I'd be thrilled if Bernie or Elizebeth, or Tom or Pete won the next election, but whoever the Democratic candidate is, you can be sure I'll be backing him/her. Could very well be a her this time around too, considering Hillary trounced your boy by three-million popular votes. Matter of fact, I'd say it's just a mater of time. Hope you can handle it! As for the free shit--I'd be down with less free military incursions/invasions and less free hand outs to the "military industrial complex", and lot more free education for folks like you 'cause, as James Comey once said "Lordy, lordy" you dumb-ass crackers could sho' 'nuf use some education ;- ) Oh, yeah--forgot--I have more watches than you, I'm taller than you, I'm better looking than you, my car is faster than yours, my girlfriend is better looking than yours and I have more money than you! Did I leave anything out? Oh yeah--mines bigger than yours!

Jan 17, 2020
RayFNow for the facts with the Amazon review... and part of the exchange history may be justified here That's the buyer's profile just 2️⃣ reviews on November, 2019 Not sure if it's legit at all 🤔
Jan 17, 2020
RayFHow did that guy know you were talking about him? You tagged Aquacy not him? Odd. Also, his Rolex looks a bit off. Does gold normally scratch like that has on the bracelet showing a different metal under? Funny.
Jan 17, 2020
MarPablYes, saw that too. Only raises more questions and concerns about the legitimacy and credibility of the vendor. Beginning to remind me of Yelp reviews--you know right away the over the top examples are solicited, put-up jobs. Seriously, I wish more people would buy the guys watches so we could get a broader consensus of impartial opinions and service experiences. As I've mentioned, I never said the guys watches don't tick, only that his claims, marketing and customer service are shit.
Jan 17, 2020
TwentySixAndI noticed that suspicious looking Rolex too. The fact that he seldom leaves it out of any comment he makes, makes me a little skeptical as well. From my experience, guys who own a Rolex don't feel quite as compelled as this guy to bring it up every chance they get. And is it just me, or does it seem odd that a guy who evidently likes Rolex, Breitling, and Omega watches, suddenly fell stupid-crazy in love with an odd ball brand like Aquacy and bought five of them? Well--no accounting for taste, he can buy what he likes, right? The thing about the guy (from last time) was how over the top braggadocios he was! Most of his stuff was hidden by the moderator because had quite the little potty mouth, but amongst the drivel were crazy claims of Caribbean Islands he or his buddy owned, how much money he made, and yada, yada, yada--all off-topic stuff but stuff that made him sound like he was struggling with some fairly obvious identity/masculinity/insecurity-ish kinds of issues. That bit was kinda sad really, but there was never any doubt in my mind that he miraculously appeared on the scene, when he did, solely at the request of this Aquacy guy. There can be little doubt that a guy who bought (?) four of those "1769" abominations, and one of these "Cave Dweller" things, must be known to the vendor. How close that relationship is or isn't, we'll never know, and frankly, who really gives a shit at this point?
Jan 17, 2020
TwentySixAnd@RayF maybe there's a closer relationship as you mention because those ⌚ weren't bought here... only 1️⃣ and the Amazon review comes from another guy as it seems 🤔
Jan 17, 2020
MarPablThat's pretty much what I'm thinking!
Jan 17, 2020
RayFFalse! As someone who owns a Rolex, I show it off every chance I get to make up for my, ahem, other shortcomings. And since this thread is all about useless picture spam and I happen to be wearing it today, here it is...along with my photos of the Aquacy I bought and returned due to the 30, 40, and 50 lume smears on the bezel. Surprisingly, the lume on the almost 20 year old Rolex still works great!


Jan 17, 2020
Watchyoutalkingabout OMG--I swear! You damn Rolex flashers and Aquacy smudgers are all the same! Look at my Rolex! Look at my smudgey Aquacy! Oh yeah--well look at my '02 Pontiac Aztec!!!

Jan 17, 2020
RayFThe Aztec is going to be a Pebble Beach classic!
Jan 17, 2020
WatchyoutalkingaboutI can hear the applause and Champaign corks popping even as we speak!
Jan 18, 2020
RayFNow that I look more closely at the pics of the watch I had, it’s actually multiple piece abalone as well. It’s kind of sad. That was one of the last pieces I bought besides my Seiko flightmaster. The same Seiko THAT HAS A SCRATCH ON THE MINERAL CRYSTAL THAT YOU SAID WOULDN’T HAPPEN RAY!
Jan 18, 2020
WatchyoutalkingaboutI think what I said was: “MY mineral crystal would never get a scratch on it!” not yours! What with your part-time job as Keanu Reeves’ stunt man in all those damn John Wick movies, well—what mineral crystal could take that kind of punishment?!