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Mar 7, 2017
Does anyone have experience with this keycap set on either a WASD Code keyboard or a Das Keyboard 4C? Intrigued, but want to make sure they fit nicely before committing...
Mar 7, 2017
pclarkI have these from an earlier drop on my older Das. They work just great.
And I'm on a Mac - the Datamancer people were very accommodating about sending me Mac-specific keys, both for the mods and the numpad. I was pleased with the transaction.
valiantThis may sound stupid but how do they feel like to type on?
Mar 13, 2017
BigGuyOnCampus89It only really took me a day or so to become accustomed to them, I've even gamed (SC2) on them. The 'F' and 'J' keys feel slightly different so touch typing is also a breeze.
Mar 14, 2017
BigGuyOnCampus89Nothing stupid about an honest question. They do not have the same feel as a set of standard keycaps, but each key has a ridge around the outside, where the chrome ring holds down the plastic layer. This tends to "auto-center" your finger tips as you type, but it also means you have to clear a hurdle to move your finger to the next key. The F&J keys are deeper, so you can differentiate them by touch. Overall typing on these keys is not unpleasant, just a little different, and they don't noticeably slow me down (I'm only about a 65 wpm typist, though, so faster fingersmiths might find a different experience).
valiantThank you kindly for explaining it in great detail. I'll most likely pass on these, but you pretty much covered all the stuff which was important for me to know. :D
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