The set is a pretty basic, simple colour scheme that adds a slight splash of colour to it with the blue Shift and purple Fn. Personally I rather have the accent colour key be Enter, but its a unique placement that just seem to work with this set.
The sub-legends in the number row for the function row keys along with the special characters is a nice addition. Should be useful if I ever move into <60% layouts.
However, compared to my double-shot sets, the dye-sub legends does look a little fainted. It is expected with dye-sub, and I can't really tell when using it day to day. That said, I like the rougher surface with PBT and time will tell if the legends fades or if the keycaps starts to shine.
I love the design and the profile (it's different to the usual Cherry profile), and the keys always make me smile when I look at them. I just wish they didn't have the extra text on them denoting which alternate buttons each key can function as (such as the F# text on each number key). It makes the keyboard look somewhat busy. Outside of that, it's a fantastic set to use!
I specifically bought this set because I was looking for something to pair with my lilac QK100 and this set looked amazing once fully assembled. One thing to note is that the bottom row of this keycap set is flatter than the other MT3 keycap sets that I have (Camillo, Cyber, Susuwatari). I'm not sure if I like this shorter, flatter bottom row better or not.
MT3 Operator is a great looking set with beatiful blues and accents. The dyesub is great for a triple-shot look that actually does not bother me at all (I am very much a single legend guy at heart). I bough the set mostly for the 40s support, but the looks has won me over.
Would be nice to have nomad kit to fit 75% keyboard
Really enjoy the quality and the look of these keycaps.
Managed to fit almost all the keys on my 75% keyboard but unfortunately, there are no options for a 2.25u enter key and 2.0u backspace.
Would like that option in future nomad kits.