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Oct 17, 2020
Yesterday was the second time I have used my XMID 1P and first time in strong winds in Scotland, was about 30mph. Woke up in the middle of the night with a rip along the stitching. I had the tent taut but not overly, did I do something wrong on the set up? Would this still be covered under warranty as it’s the second time I’ve used it and have only had it for a few months? Thanks

Oct 17, 2020
Dan Durston
Oct 18, 2020
CieranmWow that's quite the rip. I've never seen that before. My guess is that this isn't from the high winds because it's a rip in the inner tent which is protected inside the fly. Normally even if it's very windy there isn't much strain on the inner. It looks like the side mesh wall of the tent was under quite a bit of strain and ripped from that. Is it possible you rolled over in the night where you body weight rolled onto the sidewall? Maybe didn't hear it ripping due to the wind noise? We've never had a rip like this before, but did have one other report of a different type of rip in the inner mesh where the occupant rolled onto the mesh wall. There is a 1 year warranty on the tent, so you are welcome to get in touch with Drop by going to profile -> transactions -> completed -> X-Mid -> Contact support. I can't speak for them as to what they will say.
Oct 18, 2020
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