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Drop + EPOS PC38X Yellow Gaming Headset

Drop + EPOS PC38X Yellow Gaming Headset

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Frequently bought together:
Massdrop x Sennheiser PC37X Gaming Headset
EPOS GSX 300 External Sound Card
Drop + EPOS PC38X Gaming Headset
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Feb 17, 2021
How’s the headset holding up durability wise till this point?
Feb 25, 2021
I've been using mine since early November 2020 and so far they are holding up fine. However, I do not abuse them and have never dropped them. I typically use them every night after work for about 2-4 hours while playing games and hang them on a headphone hanger when not in use. I have removed and swapped out the earpads numerous times while I was trying out different 3rd party earpads and there have been no problems with the stock earpads or the cups that the earpads attach to. Overall, I'd say that the headset does NOT have a premium feel to it because it feels like it's all plastic, but it also has no issues, cracks or broken parts either. What it does have is great positional sound and soundstage for the games I play so I can recommend it based on that. Just be careful with them and don't abuse them - like any plasticky product they may have issues if pushed too far. :-) Good luck. QUICK UPDATE 5/25/21: It's been over 6 months since I started using them and everything is still all good. Works well, no issues. UPDATE 9/25/21: Still going strong after almost a year. Still sound great, and no issues. UPDATE 5/16/22: Still going strong with nightly use for gameplay. Still sound great, and no durability issues. UPDATE 11/09/22: I have hit the the two year mark since I started using this headset and I'm still very happy I made the purchase. I continue to use them almost every day and have encountered zero issues and they still sound great. Thanks to everyone who has used my link to purchase items from Drop - although I can't contact you directly to say thanks, I can collectively say thanks here. So, thanks! UPDATE 09/21/23: Still using the headset and all is well. No issues and still love the sound. One change - I got new earpads (SOULWIT Cooling Gel Ear Pads for Sennheiser) which I find most comfortable because they move my head further away from the drivers and my ear no longer touches the driver. Found on Amazon at this link: UPDATE 05/06/2024: Just a quick update to indicate that I still use this headset daily and it's still running flawlessly. Great purchase and high quality.
Feb 25, 2021
SkykingUSAThanks man! i wont be beating them when i get sniped hopefully...
Feb 25, 2021
SkykingUSASound quality is great after about 4 months of owning, no changes. I have started to hear almost a scraping or crackle if i use the side knob to change the volume though. Once it is set the sound goes back to normal.
May 26, 2021
SkykingUSAWhich of the earpads did you settle on? Is it worth getting the 3rd party ones or are the stock ones comfortable? Or the velour ones too.
May 26, 2021
stevo84Hi stevo84, my review/post at the link below should answer your question. If you have more questions, feel free to hit me up.

Jun 7, 2021
Jun 7, 2021
M4nd0117:-) I just use his image to honor his memory.
Aug 4, 2021
SkykingUSAI have been using mine for a few months now and have no issues whatsoever. Sorry for the boring answer :D
Aug 15, 2021
SkykingUSAI've owned since May 2021. I use these during work, where I'm either on calls and/or listening to music all day, plus game with them when I've the energy in the evenings. So up to 60 hours a week of use. Durability continues to seem really good. The clamping force on my ears eased up after a couple of weeks and there's no obvious signs of concern on the headset unit, nor mic. My only slight concern is the cable which is starting to show a couple of signs of bumps and kinks. There are no frays or worrying splits, but it's probably the weakest link of this unit. Get a stand and arrange your cables neatly and I'm sure you'll be fine, albeit, in practice I'd expect that I'll need to replace after a year or two...
Oct 8, 2021
somedude0608I've been having the same issue, which started just a few weeks after purchase! Extremely annoying, since I use it for work, and its volume control is quite convenient.
Aug 2, 2021
I have had mine in use everyday since October 2020 and have issues with the volume control. Intermittent and static laden and have to hit to clear up left hand speaker. Annoying for a $180 set of headphones.
Aug 17, 2021
bguthrie96Weird, I am having this same issue. As of 2 weeks ago, my left speaker cuts out and I have to push into the volume knob or adjust it REALLY fast for it to go back to normal, but then it cuts out randomly again. I've owned them since March 2021 and they've been babied..
Aug 23, 2021
bguthrie96I've had mine since November, and also have used them nearly every day for work -- and I also have this problem. I think it started around the beginning of Summer, so around half a year more or less of near daily use. In the worst cases, my right speaker would go completely out. It's relatively easily fixed by tweaking the knob until audio returned. Because the volume knob is relatively easy to turn and sometimes gets turned accidentally when I'm taking the headset off or putting it on, this problem comes up rather often. I tried just now really futzing with it -- I played some audio, and cranked the knob back and forth from 0 to 100 several times over. And it seems to me like the problem has receded. I now only notice slight static at very close to maximum -- like 80-90% -- and I can't induce the right speaker cut-out anymore. This is only after about 10 minutes of playing around; given how sporadic the issue is, I wouldn't be surprised if the problem returns in a week. But I'm pretty curious what's going on, physically. The volume knob in general I consider to be a disappointment. It's wobbly and feels cheap. But otherwise, the comfort is decent enough and the sound is still really great that I'm happy with the headset overall.
Sep 10, 2021
jazzcrazedSadly, my left ear has completely died. If I use the volume up and down, it doesn't come back on but if I turn it to 0 and turn my PC volume to max, they are the same volume so it's not disconnected in the headset, just the volume doing something wonky to the headset.
Oct 8, 2021
Lord_Zogplease try purchasing a different cord. I had to replace mine and Im getting much better results.
Sep 24, 2024
BallsofsteelWhere can I find the cord? I am having trouble finding the exact specs for it.
Feb 24, 2021
I’ve dropped them a couple times because I’m a klutz and as far as I can tell still at 100% integrity. Sound quality remains fantastic. Owned for about 3-4 months
Feb 25, 2021
jkoz25Niiice thanks! I'll try not to chuck them across the room at least lol
Apr 29, 2021
I've had mine for months and have dropped them a few times. They're rock-solid. The cable is better than for prior models and the sound is amazing. They were a smidge tight when I first got them but they've relaxed over time and are now very comfortable. I wear mine all day every day.
Been using the 38x headset since the first drop, and have had no issues thus far. I've had to swap it between the single and split audio connections several times since I game on both console and PC, and it still works just as good as the day I got it. It's one of those devices that if you take care of it, it'll take care of you.
Apr 4, 2021
YourFriendCabooseSounds thiccc! Can’t wait to start using them
Mar 7, 2021
i sleep with it on, you're A-OK
Mar 8, 2021
hungNiice I gotta try that
Feb 25, 2021
The only thing you should be careful about is bending the headband and the slider. I bought mine in October and the slider broke about two weeks ago. I hope you take better care of your pair than I did to mine.
Feb 25, 2021
TxrtleYeah i was kinda thinking of attaching a metal band around the top just to be safe but thanks! Not much to do about the slider tho
May 26, 2021
TxrtleWhat's the slider?
May 26, 2021
im assuming that’s what that part is called
May 26, 2021
TxrtleAh, where it adjusts I understand now I must admit I have not heard it called that before. Not sure what it's called though either so it could be a slider.
Feb 25, 2021
I bought mine in October, been using it heavily ever since. And I am rough on my headsets. They're still in fine shape. The plastic build ain't fancy looking, but it does hold up. Cable is replaceable, for when that eventually, inevitably, fails.
Feb 28, 2021
KraelocGlad to kno it will last thanks!
Nov 11, 2023
Right channel is going dead for the last month after little over 2 years of usage. Cutouts happen more and more often. Support won't help and told me to go to the community for help. This is really disappointing because I used my PC38X only for 6-8 hours a week at most in the 2 years of owning them. I cared for them as I usually do with my stuff...
Apr 25, 2023
The volume know now cuts out after less than one year of use.
Nov 18, 2022
I had a PC363D (predecessor to PC37x and 38),and it lasted me 8 years before I had to get a new one. (cable connector worn out) So I have high expectations in terms of longevity.
Oct 15, 2022
Yeah so 1.5 yrs in and my left ear cup intermittently loses sound, fixed but literally TOUCHING the right volume knob. My cable is plugged in all the way, and does not get yanked out. Terrible design as it seems that gravity is enough to dislodge the cable
Feb 24, 2022
I'm a little torn as I'm on my second pair in about a year, had to RMA the other set in June 2021 (purchased in Jan 2021) as the left ear died and no amount of re-plugging cables or fiddling with audio settings would resolve the issue. Now the same issue has started happening with the replacement pair. I use them on average around 8-10 hours a day for work and gaming, there is quite a lot of the microphone going up and down during the day so this is probably causing the issue. Still, the whole thing of them only lasting around 6-7 months isn't great, with the amount that I use them they average out costing something like 6p an hour so still pretty good value but not when compared to my HyperX's that lasted around 4 years and cost like 2/3 of the price. A shame, I really like these headphones. Great sound quality and super comfortable.
Jun 18, 2022
AgentSmithI've been using these just over a year now, same scenario - 40 hr weeks of call center, then add entertainment. The mic is going up and down all day, so I do worry about the wear and tear. So far it's still operating at 100% though.
Feb 3, 2021
Windows doesn't recognise the headset, what can I do?
Feb 25, 2021
Considering the PC38X are analog headphones there's nothing really to recognize. You need to troubleshoot the port settings or whatever sound card you're using.
For this headset is an amp necessary? If it is, what are some good quality amps I can use with this headset?
Jan 24, 2021
for pc just use a apple dongle type C (and a usb adapter if needed).it will run you 10 to 15$. it powers it completely great, clean, and the mic quality is funny enough better than some more costly options. for Game console like xbox and ps5.. no need. you can set the mic volume to 90% before hearing any background noise at 50% headphone volume when reviewing your voice. (50% is very very loud.)
Feb 3, 2021
My pair of pc38x have a wierd distorted sound and I can’t hear other players in chat and they can’t hear me on PS5
Feb 25, 2021
Make sure you have the cable pushed all the way into the earcup. I had a similar problem and was surprised at how strongly I had to push the cable into the earcup in order to get a full connection. Good luck.
Jan 31, 2021
My motherboard is an MSI X570 Tomahawk WIFI with Realtek ALC1200, is it going to be enough? Does anyone use them with DAC/AMP? Is it really worth investing in Schiit Fulla 3 100$? I also have a cheap Apple Type C to 3.5mm DAC, is it going to sound better than my motherboard soundcard?
Feb 25, 2021
Your motherboard audio will probably be good enough. I tried a number of different sources for these (including motherboard front and back audio ports) and mentioned them in my review here: I hope this helps.