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Drop + HIFIMAN HE4XX Planar Magnetic Headphones

Drop + HIFIMAN HE4XX Planar Magnetic Headphones

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Review Highlights:
For such a low price this headphone deserves 5 stars for sheer bargain prowess! So long as this is plugged into a decent amplifier the sound opens up and is terrific! By contrast, anyone expecting to plug this into their cell phone or laptop computer is missing the point, without decent amplification this headphone will not sound as great as it can(more likely dull, actually!). I am driving this through an IBasso Bushmaster D14, which in turn is amped via an RSA Mustang P51 on high gain. I find this combination with the HE4XX heavenly, also because the P51 almost completely eliminates the Sabre DAC's glare. So my recommendation is to buy the HE-4XX, but only if you drive this through a decent DAC/AMP combo!
See all 2K reviews
Q&A Highlights:
Are the 2 cables that connect to the headphone cans 2.5mm or 3.5mm?
I just looked at mine to be sure and they are 3.5mm jacks
Im not good with headphones but do these merge at the end int one cord?
See all 43 questions

Dec 9, 2024
I bought these here 4 years ago and lent them to my wife but she didn't really use them. I got them back and noticed that one side was dead (not the cable), on closer inspection I see that something must have poked into the driver and at one point, the plastic is torn and most of the traces are broken. Before I attempt the impossible soldering repair, are replacement drivers available to buy please? Cheers
Aug 2, 2024
Hello there! I got He4xx’s a couple years back and had some rattling and the pads were coming unglued. I ended up going back to my hd6xxs which I adore. I recently wanted to get back into planar. I pulled them back out and really enjoy them (although initially something sounds off). I was going to get replacement pads and realize the head parts is shedding everywhere. Is it worth investing in repairing these with a new headband and pads, while seeing if I can fix the rattle, or should I just upgrade. If I upgrade I would probably want a plane around 500 or less. Is there a recommendation? I was looking at the dc aeon x or the edition xs (although I’ve seen those might not be comfortable. Is there any suggestions for how to procede? tldr: he4xx kinda fell apart and I’m deciding if I should fix them (headband, rattle, ear pads) or upgrade to something with better build quality and a better planar experience? I appreciate you taking the time!
Apr 14, 2024
Hi drop community Question please. I'm looking at the drop he 4xx as entry into planar headphones. I have the ifi go blu Bluetooth dac amp, also shanling up4, would either of these have enough juice for the he 4xx ?? Both power my 6xx just fine. Or, the ibasso dc04 pro ? Cheers David
Oct 9, 2022
They sound really great, but the grill is a little bit loose, I can move it around, with my hands. And when i walk the loose grill makes sounds that really bother me. But I still think that they're worth the money
Just got my HE4XX and was wondering if anyone here had a travel case they recommend for this? Amazon has some options, but just wanted to know what the community here thinks. Thanks in advance!
May 28, 2022
tshaka_armstrongslappa full size pro works well
Mar 3, 2022
Looking to add a Planar to the headphone collection, I'm a bit torn about what to choose... I'm a fan of the open back and reviews look pretty good for HE-4xx and 5XX...... But I've also got my eye on the Fostex T20RP MK3... Anyone wanna drop their 2 cents in on the choice?
Mar 12, 2022
sixthcupofjoeif the HE-X4’s are still @ $99 just buy those…even if they’re back to $129 they’ve still a good buy for starting out.
Jun 30, 2022
The E2 looks nice, for about $150 more he could get the Schiit Audio Jotunheim, also made in USA. Its one serious headamp & preamp, inherently balanced. They use part-matching to ensure quality in sound and build. The Jot is also a minimalist form factor. No unnecessary bells and whistles. Might be worth a look. I can speak to the sound quality, and reliability. I've had mine for two years+ and had zero problems. The sound is amazing from this 'small' amp, but offers 6W into 32 ohms. Whoever heard of a headphone amp that delivers 6 watts? He would never have to worry about having enough clean power: THD: <0.00015%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 4V RMS, 300 ohms. Mine still amazes me, every day I hear something 'new' in older recordings. Solid and reliable, simply amazing sound into the FOCAL Clear, or the Audioengine HD6 speakers (on sale now at Drop for $549, heck of a deal, $150 off) or whatever you listen with.
Feb 17, 2022
My review on on the DROP + HIFIMAN HE4XX let's start with build these are spectacular this is probably the best built headphone you're going to get that's dual entry under $500 especially if you're talking in the new category these feel like a tank yet not lightweight but in the medium weight so they're not too heavy depending what neck you might have your definition is going to be different for weight but as I continue the cups are plastic but they're not I wouldn't call them Matt I'd call them more of a texture plastic and if it is a mat it's very well done on all the pieces of plastic I do wish the HE-X4 had the same colorway and design like this I do like the color more on that than this headphone maybe a V2 version or a different color version will be available that'd be awesome I'd buy it the yolks that hold on to the cup are steel with an almost matte like finish like a matte steel finish except darkened the grills are plastic as well but it's very close to what the strength of real metal the headband is a protein leather but it feels so soft I have never I have never gotten a hotspot on my head ever with this it is so soft also the distribution of the weight is very even on my head pads in terms of comfort on the pads the pads are fine they're a real lint magnet they do they're very comfortable because they have this slope In Design but they're not very deep and I have ears that stick out I don't have tall ears but I have ears that stick out more than what is normal so I couldn't wear that more than an hour without getting pain also I swapped pads for improved sound quality all right that's the best way I can describe the build and the comfort speaking of which sound quality how is it I don't have a balanced amp and dock yet so I'm I'm probably going to do an update and probably edit this out if I can but these do require power 93 d35 ohms you need at least three watts to make these really really sing so any 3 watt amp will do especially balanced all right let's describe the sound with the stock pads warm with impact Rich vocals very lovely and even mid-range very smooth and the trouble is dark but has a really big spike at eight and 10K regions with some splashiness that kind of ruins it for me but not completely just somewhat it kind of ruins the impact a little bit for drums and such sounds stage is kind of medium imaging is not that great with direction especially in the back or forward it does side imaging very well but not center or back all right let's talk about the pads that I've chosen the best pads for this headphone in my opinion and those are the Choice Leather earpads for the Beyerdynamic DT and AKG K Series Headphones the comfort with these are significantly improved everything is just a significant improvement including sound sound with these pads is really warm move so smooth and just pleasure pleasant smooth from base mid-range is sweet it has a lot of focus very rich and deep like Barry White deep and the highs are dark rolled off and the eight and 10K peaks are gone and you can hear the sibilance but it's not exacerbated anyway it's just how the recording it recreates the recording of the sibilance perfectly also there is significant detail improvement with these pads soundstage is very intimate but also can be very wide it's very multi-layered Sound stage it can get very close and personal but very wide as I can attest with with some video games these are the must pads to try see if you like them the Dekoni Audio Elite Sheepskin Replacement Ear Pads for HiFiMan HE Series Headphones and More are a close second but they still don't have the dynamic impact of these pads now if the Dekoni makes Dekoni Audio Choice Leather Replacement Ear Pads for HiFiMan HE Series Headphones and More that would be probably the Pinnacle you're going to get out of this headphone if they make that but only if they make that otherwise you can't improve upon this headphone also they're very fantastic for gaming with these pads very immersive especially for horror games these are great they get me scared they get me chills they get me the thrill and chills that I look for in horror games these do these very well but these pads do exacerbate the the size of the driver which is not a bad thing it makes this thing sense huge like bigger than what it is which is a 66 mm planar magnetic driver now what would be a successor what would it take to make it successor exact same headphone just with a double-sided possibly same size on each side magnet 50 ohms or higher that is the only thing that would make a successor to this if drop wants to make one that has to the those are the requirements cuz otherwise you're not going to make a very good successor because low impedance playing ours don't sound as good as high impedance planars that's the reason why high impedance playing ours are always superior anything high impedance is going to sound better than anything else and the sensitivity is what makes these hard to drive not the impedance oh oh and do yourself a favor ditch the cable and get a new Fantasia balance cable or something and just getting adapter and from new Fantasia and you'll be golden all right this is my take on this headphone insanely good value probably the best you're going to get do you get your hands on a sundara then - he 560 V4 and then he6sev2 with these pads on whatever model you choose all right I really don't got much more to say about this just buy it already it's worth it oh and the QC never had one with this and I don't have any of the problems that other people talk about just buy it already stop reading this and just go buy it all right thanks for reading this insanely insanely long review trying to to keep the description of this short and sweet don't want to make it complicated.
Jun 30, 2022
MRFUTURE111 Thanks for your review, I can tell that you put a lot of thought into it. I think if you had done it under 'Reviews' instead of 'Discussions' it would reach a more appreciative audience. Also, you might want to use paragraphs ;-)
Aug 26, 2021
So, which pads are you guys using with these? I've quickly replaced the stock pads with Brainwavz XL pads, but today my Misodiko XL Rounds (in the Protein Leather variant) came in and those are sooooooo comfy and they seem to power up the bass a bit.
Feb 17, 2022
Jun 30, 2022
computer1up I love the Dekoni Elite Hybrids. The fenestrated sheepskin does wonders at cleaning up errant sound waves. I wrote a short review if you're interested : Dekoni Premium Ear Pads for HIFIMAN HE Series Reviews | Drop | [image] Very...
Aug 23, 2021
Was looking into these as I'm after new cans. What are people using as a dac/amp with these? Looking to upfate my office rig. From the comment though, it doesn't sound as if these are all that comfy. I use Mezes but wanted to try something new.
Aug 26, 2021
Knightrider7007I'm using the very popular Schiit stack (being a Modi 3 + Magni 3). Affordable, but sounds really good. I've also had good results with driving them from just an AudioQuest Dragonfly Black V1.5 (edit: actually, on just the Dragonfly these don't go all that loud, it's lacking a bit in output power, but as a DAC with the Magni, it has been just fine) As for the comfort: I quickly discovered that the worst part about these cans are the pads. I don't like the velour style pads (these are hybrid pads, with a velour surface actually touching your head), so I swapped them out for Brainwavz pads, and I just got in my Misodiko XL Round pads in the Protein Leather variant, which are by far the most comfortable (and they seem to improve the bass heft a bit). Adapter rings can also be had from Aliexpress (where I got the Misodiko's from) or they can be 3D printed (which is what I did). Another note is that after I've had these for over a year is that the cable is a little meh. Initially I wasn't too worried about it, but it hasn't held up well. When shopping for a new cable for these, be aware that the current revision uses 3.5mm jacks on the earcups, instead of the 2.5mm that they used to be. So not all cables that are listed as compatible with the 4XX work - you might have to get adapters (which I'm currently waiting on before I can try my new cable).
Jul 1, 2021
Anyone know where I can get a longer cable? The cable is way to short.
Aug 26, 2021
BloodemberTechnically an extension cord could also work, but you've probably already thought about that haha.
Aug 26, 2021
computer1upYeah, I know.
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