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Drop + MiTo GMK Laser Custom Keycap Set

Drop + MiTo GMK Laser Custom Keycap Set

Keycap Kit:
Synthwave M170
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Product Highlights:
Frequently bought together:
Drop + MiTo GMK Laser Novelty Keycaps
Drop CSTM80 Decorative Case
Review Highlights:
Everything I thought it would be ... AND MORE
Such an iconic set that I'm thrilled to finally add to my collection. I'm currently rocking the Synthwave set with Turbo add ons. This is the most I've ever spent on a set of caps and probably will ever spend ... but man was it worth it. Bravo MiTo.
Would recommend to a friend.
great caps, only minor drawbacks imo
leta start with the pros: 1-mito put a lot of effort into getting the colors just right. he went all the way to gmk in germany to help get things perfect, and the colors came out great imo 2-mito also works with the comm extensively to get ppl the kits they want 3-the creativity of these caps was very on point, particularly the novelties. now the cons(which really have nothing to do with mito, BUT just my personal take on this set): 1-IN MY OPINION, this set only looks good on a black case. i’ve seen all the pics and really nothing works with this set BUT the black case. totally my own opinion, BUT thats how i feel 2-im a big fan of making keebs that are completely alien. what i mean is that bc im a touch typist i prefer the legends to be decorative only, and thats why i always get mitos alternate kits like with canvas i got rams and with laser i got kobe, and although mito offers mitocon mods there is really no alt kits for the number row, which really looks strange when everything but the num row is unintelligible. now, with laser i did fill the num row with novelties, BUT i still think if your gonna make alt legends then make an alt num row two. again this is totally my opinion 3-finally, i also wish there were more alt legend kits with more of the neon alt colors like the yellow and orange. the 80s were loud and had crazy colors like this and i would have preferred more color choices tbh EDIT: i do really like what mito did with this second run of gmk laser. in this run he offers the same color mods. i think thats gonna look sick with teal boards, silver boards and possibly navy boards. great work!!!
Would recommend to a friend.
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Q&A Highlights:
What's the profile for these keycaps?
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Jan 19, 2024
Any plans to restock Cyberdeck?
Jun 7, 2023
Is there a reason that this product doesn't show on the GMK product page? They looked de-listed until I searched them up.
May 3, 2023
wen dcx?
Feb 16, 2023
Did anyone recent pick up the bars kit and were your bars 6.0u and above significantly warped? Mine are real bad as well as the bars included in the Gaijin set...which are somehow worse.
Dec 21, 2022
This keycap set has been on my want list for a while, and once again GMK does not dissapoint. I experienced no scuffs or warping, and the colors are bright. Would advise. (mod edit: removed affiliate links)
(Edited by moderator Jyri_Drop)
Dec 13, 2022
Blocknet plus gaijin is really cool! Just make sure top check the units of your keys so the levels match up.
Dec 8, 2022
The cyberdeck kit is sold out. Will you restock before coming Christmas?
Nov 26, 2022
I got these and the look is really nice and all, but the one key was missing part of the top layer and you could see the color underneath. The set was missing the "-" key for the ten key number pad. I got a few extra letters; J, F, and B. Not sure if that's supposed to be or not. What a joke. Now I have to pull all of the keys and try to return it because I'm missing a key. I would have ignored the one messed up key, but I'm literally missing keys now. Bad impression and last GMK set I ever buy.
Jun 3, 2023
Tom.M.2The J and F keys are "non-barred"options with a deeper scoop for preference. I prefer to use the keys without bars. The extra B is for Alice keyboards which have 2 B keys
Oct 12, 2022
i go these but for some reason it still dosent think i bought it so ill write my review here. The colors are good because its a gmk set. i like that you can get it whenever you want but it also takes away from the value of the set. my spacebar was super unbalanced and I couldnt fix it even after doing the same thing i did to fix a few other spacebars. after like an hour i messed up and bent it super horribly and then it just cracked from being bent too much, so i got even more pissed and just smashed it with a hammer since by that point it was already unusable
Dec 13, 2022
teeheei am so sorry—I hope you have a better experience next time—was the hammering part fun? I’m just curious
Aug 30, 2022
I really enjoy the look and feel of these keycaps. The only drawback is that they wear down very easily with a lot of use. Other than that these are one of my favorite keycaps i’ve ever purchased. Go ahead and try them out! (mod edit: removed affiliate links)
(Edited by moderator Jyri_Drop)
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