I have created an open office calc sheet that will calculate your costs for you. You just enter the current ordered QTY for each set and the QTY you want and it will do the rest.
If you find any errors with it let me know I can only attest that it works to the best of my knowledge(ie on my mac running OOo 4.1.3).
I don't think there are any rules against this sort of thing but if so I will remove it if someone so requests.
OblotzkyNo, thank you. I've been watching this on GH since you posted it, I'm very excited for this. How long is this going to run? I'm hoping to be able to jump in this Friday but I may have to wait till a week from Friday. Hopefully not though.
If you find any errors with it let me know I can only attest that it works to the best of my knowledge(ie on my mac running OOo 4.1.3). I don't think there are any rules against this sort of thing but if so I will remove it if someone so requests.