This company should be ashamed of themselves. Advertising to young people who save all their money and want nothing more than a keyboard and advertise to them that it is in stock and will be shipped asap and they will arrive before Christmas. Only to "ship" and package and get their hopes up and it arrives and there is no keyboard in the package. Then to get on the website and it isn't even going to ship until January. This happens AFTER you have received their money and made promises that it was arriving, on it 's way, etc! Shame Shame on you!!!
Dec 16, 2024
May 4th: No update, but I should have more info in the next couple of days as to whether production is still planned to be finished on the 15th or not. Will update again shortly.
May 7th: Sadly more delays to report. The finish date that started as May 25th, then moved up to May 15th, is now pushed to June 2nd. We're rounding the corner but not quite at the finish line yet. Will be providing more updates more frequently over the next 3 weeks.
May 15th: June 2nd is still the current ETA (finished in China).
May 28th: Sigh, pushed back to June 12th.... Also re: extras; I was hoping to be able to give everyone a free carrying case (like this, but fitting the SHIFT), but those won't be ready for another 6 weeks. Things are looking more like giving you guys a credit, but I'm still bouncing some ideas around internally.
June 6th Update: @joshuakal asked a good question to elaborate on the nature of delays. The issue is component availability. Mocking up a working prototype takes a while but you're not making it at scale so you can take a lot of shortcuts. When you're making 1000+ of something (600 preorders, plus some extras), supply chain issues start to become forefront. Lots of the little IC's, microchips, etc on that are on the PCBA are "uncommon components", where a factory makes 50k of them once every 6 months then once they're sold out, everyone waits another 3-6 months for the next "run" to be completed. This situation has been further exacerbated by COVID, which knocked out production in China for 2+ months, and now everyone is playing "catch-up". The more obscure components (used in esoteric Mechanical Keyboards) keep getting bumped in order to catch up production on more common parts (like stuff in mobile phones). So realistically, what we're waiting on is "delivery of key components". At least- that's what we're consistently being told by our contract manufacturer. The latest update we have from them (on June 4th) is that they're expecting to be done production on June 12th. June 10th Update: I wish I had good news for everyone but I don't, I'm being told there's another 1 week delay to June 19th. I get everyone's frustrations and share them. To help take your mind off of that, I'll let you know that everyone is going to be getting a $50 credit for anything on, and in addition, you'll get a coupon for a free keyboard carrying case (you can use it on either the ALT size that is restocking soon, or you can wait and use it on the larger CTRL/SHIFT size that is expected to be released in a couple of months). The coupon and credit won't be distributed until after we get the keyboard shipments sorted out (which is now expected to ship to you at the end of June). More updates as I get them, sorry for the bad news everyone :( June 18th Update: Latest update is that all of they manufacturing/assembly/etc of the keyboards is complete. They're currently going through QC, and they should be picked up by the courier in the next 1-3 days. So we're really on the final stretch here. Once they are put onto a plane destined for JFK airport, I'll post an update. June 26th Update: Order was picked up yesterday and is making its way to the United States. June 30th Update: Was asked to give a play-by-play on the next steps. So the pallets of keyboards were picked up by a truck and brought to a warehouse/staging area. This is the most opaque part of the process where we wait until they find appropriate airplane/freight space and get it flown over to JFK airport. This is done in as little as 2 days, or as much as 12, typically somewhere in between. We generally get notified when it lands at JFK, and then it sits there for 1-4 days waiting for a US Customs officer to inspect/review the shipment and ensure all of the paperwork conforms to the required importation laws, taxes/tariffs have been paid, etc. After that's done, a truck picks it up, and drives it from JFK airport to our warehouse in Edison, NJ. Our order is not a full truckload, so it'll make some stops along the way, so this process takes, ~ 1-5 days. Finally it gets to the warehouse, unloaded onto the dock, and the employees trained to "receive" the shipment check the inbound manifest against the packed units to ensure that nothing went "missing" in transit. Once it's been confirmed to be a complete shipment, it gets packed onto shelves and marked "Ready to ship" in our software. Then the orders from our database are sent to the warehouse floor, labels are printed, and the outbound team picks the individual keyboards, gently and lovingly place the keyboards into boxes with air-padding, seal the box with tape, affix the courier label, and place the box onto an outbound pallet. That outbound pallet gets picked up by a Fedex truck, and driven to the fedex depot, and then they unpack the pallets and THEN they scan it into their system (that causes a significant tracking delay). Carrier Pigeons then bring the box to your doorstep (are you seriously still reading??). July 1st Update: Keyboards are at JFK now, clearing customs, etc. Also, we've gotten a handful of requests for the $50 credit applied early (lots of people are buying Laser GMK Keycaps). I've put in the request to get the credits applied, so those should hit people's accounts in the next 48 hours or so. July 2nd Update: Keyboards still awaiting customs clearance, not a major surprise given the long weekend coming up. Best case scenario is that it gets cleared by customs on Monday/Tuesday next week, and then arrives at the warehouse Wed/Thur, and we start shipping Friday. That's a best case scenario. More realistically likely July 13-15th range. Coupons ($50 credit) have been applied to everyone's account. July 6th Update: Okay, apparently I lied about the best case scenario. The keyboards have arrived and have been unpacked/received, and it looks like they're going to start shipping out on tomorrow, 7/7/2020. We'll believe it when we see it. July 7th Update: I said I'll believe it when I see it, and I saw nothing. Hoping tomorrow brings us better progress. In other news, the SHIFT configurator is now live:
July 8th Update: 37 orders have shipped today, so things are starting to move. I'm told now that they're in process, we'll probably have them all done by tomorrow or Friday. Maybe my best case scenario from July 2nd was right after all. July 9th Update: 196 orders have shipped, hopefully get all of them done today! July 9th Update #2: 258 orders shipped, still moving but probably not all done today :( July 9th Update #3: 288 orders shipped, they're done for the day. July 10th Update: Pretty much everything is shipped. There's about a dozen EU orders that we're sorting through the paperwork to get the VAT prepaid on our end (since you already paid us the VAT when you made the purchase). This is essentially the first time we've ever done prepaid VAT for products going to the EU so ping me if there are any issues with the process when the package finally arrives. Thanks everyone, looking forward to seeing/hearing about your unboxings!!! I will unsticky this thread on 7/15.
- Won’t show prices until you sign in.
- Does not make it clear that you’ll have to wait a year or more for a product to actually ship to you.
- All the while as you wait for the product you ordered, you get a MILLION EMAILS. I would have unsubscribed long ago if I wasn’t worried that I’d stop getting updates for the keyboard I ordered.
- Who knows if the thing will actually work as advertised when I get it in the mail.
Seriously, if you wanna have any hope of me recommending this site to my friends, you’re gonna have to do better than “here’s $50 for you to spend on ANOTHER product you’ll have to wait a year for!”