These sets are so good-looking, at least in the renders, (except the novelties, imho) that I can't wait for them to arrive. I make keyboards as a hobby (no, I don't assemble kits. I make the keybs, from PCB design to components soldering) and I was making one when these sets came out. They have all the sizes I need for my bizarre designs! That was just plain awesome. But as always, I must complain they have no international set. Still, I'd buy a second set of each. Except the novelties. XD
EarlzoThere is ISO support in the Base set. ISO enter, Short-Shift, NUBS and NUHS keys. Those cover the ISO support. What's missing though, it's International support. No UK or other countries' char caps. But it's a basic set.
I agree with staehle's criticisms about missing keys that would be useful, but I still like these. I'd love to buy something similar in DSA too for another board.
So hold up, the novelties set has dedicated keys for “play”, “pause”, and “stop” (also a second “stop” for some reason), which all pretty much do the same thing (play/pause) when you map those keys, but no “next track” and “previous track”? Useless lol. Does this set designer even listen to music at their computer? Also there’s volume up and down here, good, but no “mute”? Come on.
staehleI agree with you in this. I find the novelties lacking. I mean, why so many caps with that awful squares pattern when useful icons were left out? But then again, it's a designer decision.