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Eleks IPS Pro Simulation Clock

Eleks IPS Pro Simulation Clock

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Product Description
Nixie-style clock units are eye-catching ways to bring past engineering prowess to your modern desk setup—and the Eleks IPS Pro Simulation Clock adds in modern features to make sure that vintage engineering is more than just a good stylistic fit. The six sockets along the base actually plug into six dedicated IPS displays that allow you to choose between an array of built-in clock faces to channel either an old-school look or a more modern aesthetic Read More

Feb 23, 2024
"Compatible with Windows 10 and 11 machines, the IPS Pro connects via USB-C or Bluetooth easy convenience no matter where set it." So Drop doesn't edit copy anymore?
Nov 30, 2023
The biggest drawback of Everything Eleksmaker makes is they feel the need to slap their name on the front of it ruining any aesthetic they were going for, remove the logo youll have a better product
CrosshairsYes! I have a version of this without branding and wouldn't buy this version. The made-up barely pronounceable names are obnoxious enough without having to be plastered across the front of products.
Mar 5, 2024
CrosshairsAgreed. The huge branding text is ugly unfortunately.
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