Has anyone modded these to use a microUSB port instead of a mini-usb? It's kind of annoying to have one kind of cable for everything "except that one thing that does stuff the old-fashioned way"
ArnoNymthe "something obvious" isnt so obvious. The problem is finding a through-hole top(reverse) horizontal micro B recepticle. It seems there is no such thing. All I could find are SMT
callingshotgunThe mini-usb port is about the same height as the middle acrylic layer, so the case does a decent job of keeping it from wiggling around too much. With a micro-usb port, you would probably have a lot more vertical wiggle room and would put more strain on the solder joints when messing with the cable.
skrooksthere is also the problem of there actually being no solution to my previous post: there are no micro B right angle horizontal through-hole receptacles made *currently*. If anyone finds a source for these that will match the holes in the pcb, please share