How many requests does it take to cause this to relaunch? How do you tell? Anyone have an idea about how long it's likely going to be before I could get a kit? Also, am I correct in thinking this kit starts at $200, depending on the number of requests that are reached?
Buying the parts online looks like it'd be around $230 + shipping. If it's going to be 3+ months before this goes from relaunch to actually shipping I may just eat the extra cost and do this on my own.
Thank you for any advice you can give me. I'm a MassDrop noob.
Zed2XS> Anyone have an idea about how long it's likely going to be before I could get a kit?
They start a new drop once the last one has shipped. Next drop will probably be in September, add two months of sourcing and shipping, you’ll get a kit about the start of December.
> Also, am I correct in thinking this kit starts at $200, depending on the number of requests that are reached?
I don’t know of the top of my head where it starts, but it ends at 199$/100 buyers. Usually there are far more than 100.
ArnoNymI wish I could see some kind of history of the outcomes of previous drops so I could estimate how many people it takes to reach the next unlocked price and what that price will be.
If 100 buyers unlocks $199/kit how much lower will the cost be with about 700? If I'd save $100 I'd consider waiting but at this point I'm not sure it's worth waiting 4 months to save about $30.
Does the prices drop substantially past 650? As I write this the number of requests is at 660.
Zed2XS$200 is the lowest it goes, for the classic hand kit, with one of the more common key switches (like Clears), all polycarb case, and no key caps. This is what I ordered back in May. Any options other than that will increase the price.
nomadedThanks nomaded! That helps a lot. I've got a cousin with a couple different kinds of CNC machines. I think I'm going to try and build the case myself and see if I can save money that way.
Zed2XSYou can buy the PCB from They also have plate mounted Cherry MX key switches of various flavors. Signature Plastics carries blank key caps for the ErgoDox, or you can check some of the group buys at their site (pimpmykeyboard). There is also a group buy here (MassDrop) for the Granite set that has ErgoDox-compat kits. Digikey should have most everything else. I'm not sure where to get the Teensy, but will have that info.
Zed2XSI'm not 100% positive on this, but based on what seems to be the frequency from the comments, it looks more like they wait roughly until the previous drop is assembled and ready to ship before offering another one. If that's the case, it may well be another 2-3 months before another drop becomes available (and then you'll have to wait an additional 2 months or so for that drop to ship). If you can find the parts for $230, you should probably go ahead and get them. The $200 that's the lowest price on massdrop is a base price, not a final cost and does not include keycaps (+$39). When I priced everything out separately, I got something more like $300 for all the parts and shipping, so going with Massdrop saved me about $50 plus the trouble of making and checking a bunch of small purchases.
As for your second question, the cost is determined by the number of people who actually agree to buy units, not by the number of requests. Once the drop is on, the price will be something more like $270 (IIRC) and will have a few different tiers with the lowest being $200 after a few hundred people sign up (that happens almost immediately with the Ergodox).
Zed2XSYou can get the PCB, Teensy, and Cherry MX switches from The most expensive part of an Ergodox is probably the case, so if you can make your own without spending a lot of money, that sounds like it would be a good option. It looks like has a broken link for their acrylic case dxf files, but if you google "ergodox dxf" you can probably find a copy of them.
PinyakaAnother thing that makes buying from massdrop simpler is that the pins for the Teensy came pre-soldered to the board. Saves a good 5-10 minutes (or longer) of tedious work, and for less money.
Buying the parts online looks like it'd be around $230 + shipping. If it's going to be 3+ months before this goes from relaunch to actually shipping I may just eat the extra cost and do this on my own.
Thank you for any advice you can give me. I'm a MassDrop noob.