I'm looking for a DAC/headphone amp that will allow me to switch between my speakers and headphones. Anyone know what happens to the RCA output when you plug a pair of headphones in? I'm hoping the RCA mutes with headphones in but I can't find an answer to this anywhere.
stapleton87On mine, the RCA jack doesn't mute when you plug headphones in. That being said, the RCA outputs are only DAC out, so you will need an external amp to power the speakers.
SheepyBlokeAwesome, thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll need to keep looking for one that can switch. My speakers are powered so just being a DAC isn't an issue.
stapleton87headphones and powered speakers connected to this this DAC/AMP can play at the same time. So there is no switch that engages the RCA line output as it is always on when the DAC/AMP is on. Volume knob controls the headphone output only.
stapleton87Only issue is, the sound quality of the headphone amplifier section of the Micca Origen line is sub-standard (low power & lacking in sound quality). If this might be an issue for you, let me know, and I'll see if I can recommend another option. What speakers and headphones do you have? What is the most you would be willing to spend?
mattrisNothing fancy, I've got a pair of AKG K240 that I'd like to have an accessible port with volume control for quick private listening. My main speakers are Audioengine A2+ with a subwoofer. It's a bit of a shame that the quality isn't great on the headphone side, but if it's comparable with others in the price range I'm probably good since I'm not looking to spend much more than this.
stapleton87I found the Fostex HP-A3 ($190)... and would highly recommend it over the Micca Origen G2. Like the Micca, the Fostex has an optical-in and optical-out and a button to select RCA (line out) or headphone-out. Advantages: more power, better overall sound, made in Japan... and would be shipped from Japan from this vendor:
It is a bit more expensive, but it would be worth it when you (inevitably) upgrade your headphones and speakers. All the best!