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608 requests
535 Sold
Product Description
From Team Hammer, the minds behind the MUMMIE and Carbon artisan spacebar, comes the Carbon SA artisan 1u keycap. Designed to pair with the designer T0mb3ry's popular Carbon SA set , it’s made by hand with resin Read More
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A glorious, conservative spike of flash for Carbon
I love this artisan keycap. It completes the warning theme with the ultimate sign (death/skull). I love the color scheme with respects to how it pairs with the variety of setups offered by the Carbon set. I initially bought one of these in a previous drop to add extra flair to my Planck set as I did not feel comfortable replacing the top row numbers with the warning signs while steadily getting used to the Planck's level design. While my Pok3r set had the added accent of the warning signs, I ultimately felt like I missed a great opportunity in adding one of these beauties to my Pok3r as the final exclamation point to set things off. This drop allowed me to fill that void while also definingca subliminal message by replacing the escape key to express "escape death" when actuated. lol Call it cheesey... Call it corny, but I like it. 😊
Really great job in my opinion. Love the skull head design and orange is bright. Nice companion to my carbon set.
Would buy again for sure. The grey one )
Very smooth and good looking, matches my keyboard aesthetic nicely. A little tall, but the smooth edges don't make it a problem like some other keycaps I've had of similar height.
Glad I finally indulged myself with these artisans. I have had my SA Carbon and Carbon Bones/Rolling Bones set for a while now and I never realized how these artisans add another dimension or level to the Carbon aesthetics until now. I guess it is never too late to add to my existing SA Carbon keyset collection. Well done Hammer!