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48 requests
Product Description
Leading the way in linear switch performance, the Kailh Jellyfish switch has many of the benefits of its namesake—with almost none of the drawbacks. Part of Kailh’s Box and Master Series, the Jellyfish features durable polycarbonate housings, a high-molecular polyamide stem, and a Master-Series-exclusive structure to improve service life Read More
I've never heard of a box switch "becoming" clicky over time. Sure, a bunch of the box switches are designed with a click bar, but I'm not aware of any instances of a linear/tactile box switch developing a click. Just bought a kit of Box Creams for a board though so maybe I'll be proven wrong.
I've seen Kailh's video where it's linear (Jellyfish Y) and it's clicky (Jellyfish X). Are there two different switches? Or is it the same switch but modified through disassembly like Zeal's Clickiez?
They are sold as different options, and not all vendors have both. The version here on Drop is the linear one - the clicky one available elsewhere is identically the same switch, just with the addition of the click-bar torsion spring. By the same token, you can remove that spring from the clicky ones to convert them into linear and back - but if you buy the linear ones, they won't come with the click-bars.
That said, you can take click-bars from other click-bar switches and use them - those from any Kailh BOX or Kailh Speed switch (that have them to begin with) should work in the Jellyfish switches. (This includes the thicc ones from Navies and Jades.) They just drop into place, and are held in with light friction - pretty easy to install and remove with tweezers.