Really lame that is been more than a month since this ended.. I love the idea of massdrop and their support is awesome but I just wish there was a way to speed this process up. I mean for most products is the $10 or $15 you save worth the month long wait?
radio_killahWell, their value proposition for this item is that it makes it more easily accessible for consumers that don't want to deal with or don't trust sites like bang good or some random guy in china. That along with customer service and support in the case your received item doesn't work is what makes this platform more appealing.
Also, what Massdrop is offering is essentially is a more organized group buy so the same rules apply. You collect the orders, you tell the manufacture the qty, the manufacture prepares/ships, and when Massdrop gets the order, they redistribute. As you know, Massdrop is not a store, they do not stock their shelves, and this is where you're seeing long lead times.