Best sounding switches and Keycap profile
Hi Everyone, I just bought my first mechanical keyboard (Wooting 80HE) and ordered the Geon Raws HE after watching a few YouTube videos—they sounded great. However, on my keyboard, they sound clacky as hell, and I actually prefer the Lekker 60 V2! They’re much quieter and sound better (in my opinion). Right now, I’m using the PCR case because my Zinc case won’t arrive for another month (mid-March). Do you think that’s why the Geon Raws HE sound so off? I’m considering getting the Jades Pro, but I don’t want to waste more money on switches if it’s not necessary. Should I wait for the Zinc case and then decide? What would you do or recommend for someone who prefers thocky or silent keyboards? I also have a question about keycaps. I’m struggling with typing—I’m used to working all day on an MX Keys S, but with the Wooting keyboard, I keep pressing multiple keys at once. Adjusting has been tough. Can you recommend a keycap profile that might help? Would DSA work, or do you have other...
Feb 6, 2025
We’re happy to announce that all of the KBT Pure Pro Keyboards have been shipped out. [Read paragraph above] Unfortunately, Vortex sent us the entire order of KBT Pure Pro Keyboards, with shine-through keycaps, rather than a combination of blank, shine-through and printed keycaps as ordered.
With a number of phone calls, we have clarified the issue and Vortex is making more sets of blank and printed keycaps for those of you who had originally requested them. The keycaps will be manufactured and shipped within 3 weeks (Vortex's estimate, not ours). Vortex has given us the go ahead to distribute the shine-throughs so people aren't kept waiting, and you'll get to keep the extra shine-throughs even after you receive your printed/blank ones.
Thank you for your patience, -The Massdrop Team
PS, I also have three orders that seem to be wrong, i.e. their selection is Black/Clear switches, which aren't available. Ash (or myself) are reaching out to those 3 people to correct those orders and switching them to Red/Blue/Brown switches. Those three orders won't ship today, because we don't know what color switches to send out to them.
-- I'll do my best to post an update later tonight when I get an update from the warehouse that they actually managed to pack up all the boxes before the courier truck arrives for pickup. They load them on skids, so it's not a simple "why didn't you just send the ones you finished packing???" when the truck arrived type of question.