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Mar 19, 2018
Does anyone has this issue? Every time I plugged the headphone in and it reboot the amp, in the video I use TH-X00 from Massdrop, but I tried all my headphones and all have the same issue. Contact Massdrop support and they sent me another one with the same issue, so I contact them again but this time they simply asked me to return and get a refund, not even try to fix to problem.
Sorry, I should also mention the issue from the first one is similar but when I insert the headphone, it just turn RED and won't reboot, I have to push the power off and turn it on again. The second one will reboot by itself when insert the headphone.
Mar 19, 2018
alanjokeMay or may not be relevant to your broken MCTHs & can't see the volume position, but it should be common knowledge that if amp is powered on its best to turn volume all the way down when inserting/removing TRS type plugs. And, unlike you demonstrate in video, be brisk about it as this can momentarily short channels to ground. Some amps "protect" against the condition or simply tolerate it better, some not.
Mar 19, 2018
cfcubedThanks The volume position is around 10 o'clock, I also have the other amps but none of them have this issue. The amps I have tried on my end are Cavalli Liquid Carbon X from Massdrop, Audio gd NFB-11.28, Beyerdynamic A2, Schiit Jotunheim, Monoprice Hybrid Tube amp, Bravo Audio V2. As you can see the price are vary and from different company, and I tried them all in the same way (leave the volume at 10 o'clock plug in and unplug without turning the volume down), but this MCTH is the only one will happened like this. I will try to turn the volume down then insert/remove the TRS plug and see it will change anything or not. Thanks for your reply.
Mar 21, 2018
alanjokeI had my amp once at around 10 o'clock when I unplugged or plugged it in (I don't remember) and it reboot. So now, I just always remember to turn down the volume all the way before I plug/unplug my headphones.
Mar 21, 2018
JmunandarThanks for information from "cucubed" I tried several times plug in and unplug, 8 out of 10 the unit will reboot if the volume up, but not when the volume all the way down. So, I think I owed Massdrop an apology.
Mar 21, 2018
alanjokeActually, the entire process for this are in the instructions. It clearly states to power everything down before inserting headphones:
Mar 21, 2018
jaydunndidditIMO & experience with lots of headamps its sufficient to have volume all the way down during headphone insertion/removal & to do so briskly. But this is often a matter of debate/discussion. I'm not a fan of unnecessarily power cycling equipment & never short-cycle, always waiting at least 10-15 secs. Maybe the designer, Alex, will chime in to advise. I know for another of his MD headamps that may (or may not?) have similar output stage its manual says this:
Mar 22, 2018
jaydunndidditThanks everybody
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