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Feb 24, 2020
Hey Everyone, The latest update for MT3 Susuwatari is that our contracted keycap production facility is in the process of getting its re-opening certification after the government mandated lockdown. Our head of manufacturing is scheduled to fly to China from San Francisco on March 1st to personally oversee the resumption of production and operations, and we'll have a better handle on the severity of the production delays at that time. If you missed it, there was an update posted by Matt3o just before the Lunar New Year break on his blog here: ( 3/5 Update: Final color samples are on the way to our office now, and we'll be inspecting them and also shipping them out to Matt3o in Italy to get his final okay. Assuming everything is okay'd, then we're looking at an April 6th manufacturing completion date (in China), which means we'd get them and ship them about 1-2 weeks after that. Will have many more updates in the coming weeks as everything is finally coming together. 3/16 Update: Preparing something more lengthy to post later this week, but the short update for now is that the April 6th manufacturing completion date is looking good as of this moment. 3/17 Update: There might be a snag that will slow things down, we'll know more in the next 24-48 hours. 3/18 Update: Lengthy update is posted here. 4/19 update: Quick update for everyone. A bunch of keycaps are done! Spacebars, Ergodox, blanks, etc- effectively things without legends. Yet another round of samples of everything with a legend has been produced and is being shipped to us sometime this week. That should be the final round of samples, and with that we'll go into production. Aiming for a completion date of May 20th. I'll have more updates in the coming weeks, and photos, once this last batch of samples arrives. 4/29 update: The latest (and likely last) production round sample is complete and being shipped to us in the US. Will hopefully have photos up next week, and barring major issues- we'll have the final go-ahead on the keycaps. 5/7 update: Latest set of samples are here and have been measured and reviewed. A few of the legends are still off by just a smidgeon. We've got some feedback for changes to a handful of caps but the majority of the keycaps are going into production. Latest update/estimate is that they'll all be done by June 5th. As usual, more updates to follow as we keep moving through this process. I'll try to get some photos to post as well. 5/27 update: We're almost there.. I swear. In fact, I've got a couple of "proof of life" photos for you below! I think we're about 80% complete production + packaging and that should be wrapped up in the coming 3-7 days (likely before the June 5th date referenced above). Then it all gets shipped to New Jersey, and finally shipped to you. I will be looking to post something longer and more substantive once we have confirmation everything is made and on-route to us.

6/3 Update: Matt3o has a received his set from the production line (not samples anymore!) and has posted about them here: I'll have another update to post in the next 24 hours with how things are coming along on our end. 6/5 Update: Base Kits, Blanks, Spacebars, Ortho and Ergodox are complete. Colemak, Monotone and Extras are expected to be completed on 6/10. Things slowed down because the full production of base kits took longer than expected. With manufacturing complete on 6/10, we've scheduled the keycaps to be picked up on 6/13, and then flown to our warehouse in New Jersey. Currently hoping to get this shipped out of the USA warehouse, to you, around 6/20 (assuming no further delays). Everyone has been so incredibly patient, I've lobbied internally and gotten approval to give all participants of the pre-order something special, I'm still firming up the details on exactly what but we'll be sending out an email once everything is finalized. Regarding the dozens of questions about extras... We absolutely will have extras available for sale in the near future, but our primary priority is to get the pre-orders completed, checked, and shipped. Hit the "request" button and you'll be notified when these are on sale again.

Feb 25, 2020
KevinIf your guy flies out he is not coming back for 14 days upon leaving China. Sounds like a bad idea.
Feb 27, 2020
KevinI thought the remaining problem was getting final color samples approved by Matt3o. Is there something going on here other than getting the colors finalized? Mailing color samples from China to Italy doesn't sound like something you'd need to fly out and do yourself, so this sounds kind of odd (unless there's something more serious that's not ready). Are there still issues with the molds?
Mar 2, 2020
euphxenosThis was explained in a previous update. Is quicker to check the new colors in person than waiting for samples to arrive in another country.
Mar 2, 2020
brneorYes, but they're not sending the person who needs to approve the color samples (Matt3o).
euphxenosAside from getting final color approvals from Matt3o, the actual running of the machines, getting all of the injection temperatures and pressures setup correctly, does take some time. Having someone there adds additional urgency and priority to the process, and is also nice to have our own set of eyes physically present for QC. At the end of the day, we're doing whatever we can to get this thing over the finish line.
Mar 9, 2020
but yeah... at least there's still some will to get this done
Mar 10, 2020
KevinSo this factory is open and will be fine to produce them once approved?
Mar 18, 2020
KevinThe roller coaster starts back up it seems. Good luck and thanks for the quick updates.
Apr 5, 2020
Kevin@Kevin despite of the delay, i have never seen an gb with such detail and continuous updates like this. Some gb i joined, they barely give an update for like 2 months.
Apr 6, 2020
KevinI just can not imagine that hard to product mt3 in doubleshot. Did they just make doubleshot (or even tripleshot) for everything back in the old days? I hope you will re-drop this or other coloway in doubleshot, to take back the investment and compensate much effort you put in, of course in current price, 99$ for a base kit is reasonable.
N11_NArDrop will own these molds in perpetuity, which is one of the major reasons they're spending so much time and effort to make this right. I fully expect to see all the "favorites" in MT3 at some point: Carbon, Godspeed, Laser, Yuri, Hyperfuse, etc. Some designers don't like Drop, so we may never see some of of them run in MT3, but I'm sure MiTo will run his colorways. Trust me, there will be MANY sets to choose from. Now that they own the molds and don't need to pay a middle man like GMK or SP for using them, prices will be more reasonable, which may actually drive prices down from the other manufacturers. Maybe not, but who knows. At the very least we should see hopefully see less GMK sets, which means we should see more affordable "pick and choose" kits like what we see with SP. GMK forces people to have to pay a lot to get good coverage because the base kit has to be massive. SP has higher prices and long lead times, but they let you separate alphas, mods, novelties, etc. Also, Drop can choose the MOQ so Norde kits at 40% kits should be a lot more reasonable.
Apr 20, 2020
N11_NArMaking a product in double-shot is easy. Making it with extremely tight manufacturing tolerances, and vibrant colors, is very difficult. seems to have a pretty good crystal ball.
Kevin@Kevin I wouldn't say I have a crystal ball, but I do have common sense ;) I'm excited to see some of the color offerings that will come to MT3. With Drop 100% in control I think there will be some room for more interesting things to be done. TBH I'm totally over GMK. It's a pain in the ass to get a good ortho set from any designers because they just don't care, or just copy+paste the default Planck layout and call it good. Also lately we get jammed in with a really badly designed 40% set that is missing important key sizes in some rows and NO ONE is served by the kit, but yet we have no other choice. I would love to see a return to more DSA sets, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. DSA's uniform sculpt makes it so much easier to fit a keyboard, but I know it's not everyone's cuppa. I believe the new ABS MT3 has a flat profile in one of the rows, R5 maybe? I have it on one of my sets. If that's true... I might want to run a set in all R5 MT3. Definitely something to think about!
Apr 21, 2020
KevinI'm watching this thread like a hawk to get a chance at extras. Appreciate the updated timeline
Apr 29, 2020
KevinI was not able to order a susuwatari set, will there be another opportunity to purchase these keycaps?
May 4, 2020
tonyv_73There will definitely be extras, like a LOT of them. After they ship to those of us that ordered first you will be able to order from the extras as well
KevinKevin, thanks for the 5/7 update. For the caps that required adjustment, will there be new samples to review before they go into production to ensure that the proper corrections have been made? Thanks again.
washington_irvingYes, everything gets checked many times :)
KevinGlad to hear it. I also appreciate the quick reply.
May 18, 2020
KevinAny chance we can see a few pictures?
May 19, 2020 has stated that he fully intends to create Oblivion in the MT3 profile...seriously can't wait for that
May 23, 2020
forter4Dammit... another MT3 profile set I MUSTHAVE!
May 29, 2020
KevinHopefully they're not just shipping that generic looking DCS set to the left... :D
Jun 1, 2020
FreikI was thinking the same thing
Jun 1, 2020
KevinYou'll want to remove one of those pictures... After doing some zoomification on the base elements of that image on an 85" screen, thems definitely isn't MT3. And the box in the second picture doesn't say anything about Susuwatari on the label and the bar-code is completely different. Wrong pic from the archive files? Original Size Image:
spr0k3tThanks, that was an unintentional spoiler of a soon-to-be released basic keycap set..
KevinI just saw the recent pics in the update... the colors don’t even come close to matching. Not one bit. If those are really the colors being shipped then I’m even more disappointed, especially considering how long we’ve been waiting.
Jun 5, 2020
TheguywhoknowsthingsI noticed that too, but I am hoping it is because of the white balance of the photo. When you take a photo of a predominately dark image, the camera will try to compensate and lighten the image. This is what may be happening in those photos. Earlier prototype photos did not look this bright of a grey. Take a look at this photo taken in February: . This photo was taken with a light background so I would think this photo is more balanced in terms of exposure. I hope this is more true to what we will be getting, as it is way closer to the original renders. Matt3o says he's pretty happy so I trust his judgement. His tty set was awesome and I do not expect anything less from him. In the meantime, I hope he can take a better picture with a lighter background so we can get a better feel for what the color would actually look like in a more accurate way.
TheguywhoknowsthingsI mean it’s the dolch colorway with yellowish legends. If you don’t like dolch you probably won’t like this. If you do, then you should. Matt3os photos do seem a bit bright and have a yellowish cast, but compensating for that, looks about right with the renders to me. You never even state what makes them “not even close to match” so no way in knowing what you think is wrong with them. If Matt3o likes them, then they came out how they were supposed to, he never mentioned anything about base colors being off. If you don’t like them, your expectations were off. Colors change with ambient lighting, if you think they’re too bright, darken up your desk space a little. Too yellowish? let some sunlight in or get cooler desk lighting. But have realistic expectations, real plastic is going to reflect the light and colors around it, so color could still be slightly off from the renders. Also, legends likely won’t pop as much under darker lighting unlike renders where contrast is more easily controllable.
StreakInTheSkyrenders do not resemble dolch even the slightest... I’m just hoping it’s a really bad photo
Jun 5, 2020
StreakInTheSkyI agree with about 99% of what you're saying. If I remember correctly (can't find it atm), Matt3o said the colorway is inspired by the Gruvbox colorscheme. Though that isn't to say it might not be inspired by Dolch as well... Also, I may be incorrect on that, as I'm just going from memory. Regardless, I am so incredibly ready for this set... I can't wait. I always feel sorry for the "it doesn't 100% perfectly match the renders!!!" crowd, as it always sucks to have your expectations smashed in a bad way, but I always hope it'll help them set their expectations correctly next GB they join...
TheguywhoknowsthingsDid some adjustments to a photo to see if I can get a more neutral color and adjusted the exposure a bunch to get it to match the renders (they were very overexposed). Unfortunately the legends seem to be blown out and there's just too much compression on the source. Blue turned out great, green is a bit yellowish, but that could also be from the data loss, but they were having a lot of trouble color matching that one so might be accurate. The actual alpha color is a bit hard to parse out as it kind of gradients in the photo, but my guess it's somewhere between Q and A. Threw in dolch and the gruvbox palette for comparison (thanks @deroanth for that info, kinda of remember something like that now that you mention it, but completely forgot). Dolch has slightly lighter alphas and slightly cooler mods, but to say they don't resemble each other is a big stretch. Gruvbox is pretty close to dolch for the base colors with some added syntax colors.

Jun 6, 2020
StreakInTheSkyGreat job at trying to adjust those images. Definitely looks better than the original photos. I do agree that it resembles Dolch but I hope that Matt3o can upload some better exposed photos to actually compare fairly. To be honest, I can't be mad at receiving a Hi-profile Dolch set in Colemak. But I did want the original render colors. The legends are hopefully more of a cream color, and the gray definitely needs to be a slightly warmer, browner gray rather than a cold bluish gray.
Jun 7, 2020
etatauriRegarding the legends, Matt3o did say in his latest blog that the production unit he received legend's are indeed a cream color so I think its just photos not capturing the hue correctly.
etatauri@StreakInTheSky Appreciate all of the work that you guys are doing regarding the photos. It goes without saying that photos will never truly reproduce the physical look of something, especially as particular as keycaps. Can't wait to get these into everyone's hands. I've got a professional photo of an earlier set (about 7 samples runs ago). The colors are mostly the same as the final production set. (You'll notice the 2@ symbol is defective due to incomplete fill during the double-shot process, these are the types of problems that took so darn long to work through).

Jun 8, 2020
KevinThank you for the photos. I can't wait to get them!
Jun 8, 2020
KevinThe legends look absolutely white, not even close to the render.
Jun 8, 2020
Kevin:clap :clap :clap well done @Kevin + Drop Team and @matt3o
Jun 8, 2020
KevinTo my eyes, those colors are pretty far off. The alphas are too cool (the renders make them look browner), and the alpha legends are white where the renders are much more yellow. If you'd told me you were making MT3 Dolch with colored mod legends, I would've bought it, so I'm probably going to keep it when it gets here, but I'd be interested in another run that tries to get the Susuwatari colors right. The bigger issue is that if this is the best this manufacturer can do at color matching, then other sets I'd like to see done in doubleshot MT3 just won't be possible.
euphxenosEveryone's obviously entitled to their opinions, I'm going to respectfully bow out of discussing colors because it's circular. Renders will never match the artist's vision, they are an approximation. Renders will never match physical products. Pictures of physical products, will never match the physical products. "Closeness" is in the eye of the beholder and is largely subjective. At the end of the day, we've evolved our business a lot. Most importantly (afaik- unlike I think any other keycap seller), we have full refunds available. So if they aren't up to your expectations, you're more than welcome to return them. This is an important change to our policies (about 6-8 months ago) and the community mostly used to it yet (and some of our messaging is still legacy).
Jun 10, 2020
Kevin How they look now below, please tell me in different light they look like photo 3/3? If not, something went wrong along the way.
How they were advertised
feb, 24th Matt30 post, how they should look below, do they look like this in different light?

Jun 10, 2020
MechEngI adjusted part of one of Matt3o's photos to match the lighting in the renders here.

@Kevin is understandably tired of discussing colors, probably the last time I will too. But I will add, I predict a bunch of people are going to be disappointed with the alpha legends if they keep this mindset. The creamyness of the color is very likely not going to be super obvious unless you're directly comparing them to a cooler white legend. Even with the renders, the color is different depending on what screen I'm looking at it with. In addition, screens are shining light into your eyes, contrast and color are going to be stronger by nature. You want to see what the caps in the render will more realistically look like? Print out a photo of the renders on semi-gloss photo paper with a color calibrated printer and put it on your desk. Pigments/dyes on a surface is reflected light, most colors are not going to magically pop like they do on renders. Things are going to be drastically different depending on environment, your brain just naturally adjusts. Cameras also adjust, that is why white balance settings exist. As for the photos, most digital cameras outside of some medium format ones can really capture all the minute details of colors. Using a lightbox with a light colored objects is extremely hard to do especially when your trying to capture two things with completely opposite values(dark base, light legends). I know this from personal experience. This is why I think people really need to have realistic expectations. There is so much that makes this set special outside of just the colorway, but people just seem to not even care about that. If some people don't like what I'm saying I hope they do cancel their orders so people who will actually appreciate these caps, even with its flaws, can get them. Honestly the growing obsession with color matching in the community is so annoying(hence this long ass rant) and will tear down other people to express it. People are expecting metal cases to match their plastic keycaps to match the colors of their switches made of completely different plastics (and they want hi-pro cases so you won't even see the switches). I even miss the days when keycaps were hard to get. You actually needed to use effort to get something you want and not just throw money at someone, and when you finally got your caps, even if they weren't perfect, you'd still love them, because you knew you got something special.
Jun 10, 2020
StreakInTheSkyWell said. I think this whole discussion happened after the set of 3 photos were published a few days ago in bad light/overexposure and people started freaking out. I will always reserve my judgment and review until I get the product in hand. I know as a photographer it is impossible to match colors on photos the way we see it with our eyes, but for people who don't know this fact, I can understand why they were concerned after those photos were released on 6/1. I don't remember seeing any outrage after the 2/24 photos as it was much closer to the render. I really appreciate the consistent updates, but I guess it is a double edge sword for the makers. You get a lot of encouragement and excitement, but also a lot of criticism and unreasonable feedback.
KevinAny news re: shipping?
Jun 22, 2020
washington_irving1 week left according to their ship date. I'm literally checking everyday to see if there is a shipping update.
etatauriI must have missed that, where did you find that info? Last I saw was from the 6/5 update: "Currently hoping to get this shipped out of the USA warehouse, to you, around 6/20 (assuming no further delays)."
Jun 22, 2020
washington_irvingOn the product overview page, and under transactions it says the 28th. I would assume that they would have sent us an update if they had indeed made the 20th ship-out date. I never trusted the 'assuming no further delays' part anyway. :P
etatauriI would say that skepticism has been fairly earned.
Jun 23, 2020
etatauriThat's for *2019*, btw.
Jun 24, 2020
KevinIt's past 6/20...where's our update?
Jun 24, 2020
bugbbqYou're right. D'oh!
Sep 7, 2020
KevinAny word on the keyset coupon we should be receiving ?
rexawdShould be some news this week :)
Sep 23, 2020
KevinAny word now?
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