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Jul 13, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
Massdrop's description of the Jubilees couldn't be more precise. After trying them back to back against a circa 1990s HD580 Precision set they are nearly identical with a little more punch down low. They're also pretty close in build quality. The original HD580 Precisions have a good bit of plastic in their construction too.
So what do I think of them? Well, put some Red Hot Chili Pepper's Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic on it seems like these headphones were made for that album. If you like Rock with some punchy bass then you'll love the sound the Jubilees make. The Precisions were made in a time where bass was starting to take a spot closer to the center of the rock band stage so it makes sense that kind of sound would be so fantastic in these.
With that same time period in mind I found that older Beastie Boys wasn't as exciting, but newer stuff is like Hot Sauce Committee.
These cans really come to life when there is a good mix of highs and lows. They're casual enough to enjoy while working, but you can get analytical with them if you want. I'm finding them to be a very excellent companion to the Sennheiser HD700s with a tube amp. The tubes help to warm things up and drive a little more low punch while the HD580s really help the bassier songs jump around in your ears. The HD700s are there to accentuate those tracks with screaming stringed-instrument leads where the HD580s don't pop as much.
Can one live life with just the HD580s? Absolutely. Is one's life better with a complimentary set of higher frequency performers? One could call that nirvana.
My ears are thoroughly enjoying the HD580s while taking me through a journey of 1980 and 1990s rock. Reliving my teenage hero music on a whole new level is absolutely worth $150!
Jul 24, 2018
axsnyderI see a Valhalla 2 and a Loki Mini. How are they? I've been eyeing them for months. I have an Asgard 2, a Vali 2 and a Mimby and I'm thinking of expanding the family.
Jul 24, 2018
raansire7I absolutely love the Valhalla for the warm sound and punchier lows. The Loki takes things that little extra step allowing for quick tuning during a song without having to pop open an equalizer program. My daily drivers are the Sennheiser HD700s (OMG comfortable) and the Loki is excellent for removing some of the top end zing while boosting the missing lows.
On the other hand, the Loki helps the HD58xs out in the highs when a song can use it. Admittedly I've cranked up the bass a few times on some older rap songs (don't have the same bass character as modern stuff) with it and thoroughly enjoyed some "Boomin' System" on my head.
I have not tested the Loki against an equalizer program, so I can't speak to whether the sound is any different. My recommendation of it comes purely out of ease of use. The Valhalla, however, that recommendation absolutely comes from making a more pleasing sound.
P.S. Valhalla 2 = 1/4 turn on low gain is plenty loud on most of my headphones. Turning the volume knob makes a significant difference in comparison to other amps.
Jul 24, 2018
axsnyderAwesome. How about the HD 700? I've been curious about them for the past 6 months. But I read that they're really sharp in the highs, so I got me the Shure SRH1840. But they're anemic in the lows and sound too...civilized...almost boring. Nothing wrong about them, but they sound too right. Nothing sticks out. No excitement!
Jul 24, 2018
raansire7I have not had the same experience with the HD700s as many reviewers have. Every time I come across the same old HD700 review it makes me wonder if people are just echoing someone else's sentiment.... even if it is just allowing someone else to get in their head prior to doing the review.
Without the Loki or the Valhalla's warmth I still enjoy the HD700s. Sure, there are tracks they just don't work for. With that said I'm still on the hunt for a pair of headphones that plays every single song perfectly, and I know that hunt will never be satisfied. I think the HD700s handle a wider gamut of genres than the HD58xs as a blasphemous example of how no headphone is perfect.
I come from a rock and roll upbringing. My father used to hustle records for a few of the larger companies in the 70s and 80s to radio stations on the East coast. He brought that love of music to me and we've enjoyed analyzing lyrics and harmonics for as long as I can remember. In this upbringing I've been able to sample a lot of equipment and I've learned to appreciate things for what they are instead of wishing for them to be better.
The HD700s are my daily driver first and foremost because they meld to myhead to the point of being unnoticeable outside of the cable. The added benefit of one of the most amazing sound stages is a giant bonus, but the bigger bonus is that they sound pretty damn good. In fact, they sound good enough that I have not even considered upgrading to any of the 800 level Sennheisers.
Jul 25, 2018
axsnyderStill like my HD700's, perhaps the most mis-maligned cans ever,, all markets need a dog to kick,,, but I love my Elex's a bit more...
As someone posted a while back, that maybe they should just repackage the 700 in all matte black with a grill like the 600 series... and call it some higher number in the chain, just past the 650;).. and maybe it won't be so shat upon... or maybe it will, markets are fickle things...
I was just listening to some Tchaikovsky off of a DVD, and the 700's are still right on, stage was better, wider, than the Elex's. keeping mine folks, both.
Jul 26, 2018
rastusI am glad there is still love for them. I am positive that most hatred is due to people parroting back what they've read online. I'm sure I'd love the HD 700. Same thing happened with the despised Panasonic RP-HD10 and I bought them and they weren't as bad as people made them to be. It was hyperbole. I fell in love with their flawed sound upon first listen.
But I think my next headphones should be the HD 800 or above. I already have plenty of $500 - $600 headphones. I've been looking at the Elear, Elex, the T1.2, the Aeon Flow Open and the older HD 800. But all seem compromised in some areas. Like...the $1000+ price bracket has more compromises and flawed sound quality excuses than the $500+ bracket.
I've noticed that in reviews, which is why I haven't bought anything high-end yet and I'm reluctant to do so. I even read a Headfonia review of one of the writers wanting to trade their HD 800 for the HD 700. That isn't encouraging at all to someone wanting to climb the ladder.
Jul 26, 2018
raansire7Have you looked at the ZMF Ori or Blackwoods? That's where I'm leaning on my next purchase.
Jul 26, 2018
raansire7 I so really want one of these near me, need to sit, chill and listen...
Jul 26, 2018
axsnyderNope, but will check them out now that you mention them! I'm seriously starting to question how much better headphones can get!
Jul 26, 2018
rastusI'd cry tears of joy if I had one of those where I live, but people here aren't into headphones. It's just not a big deal in the Caribbean. Music-listening people don't care about good audio, but just loud audio. I became a headphone-buying looney because North Americans and Europeans contaminated me! 🤪
Aug 4, 2018
raansire7Imo, after $500 you get diminishing returns, big time. I mean there is not THAT much difference between my AKG K712's, and my LCD XC'S. Well not $1200 in difference, that's for sure. Are the XC'S, better in almost every way? Yes. Are they $1200 better? Not even close. I use the 712's, WAY more too. Even though they are actually harder to drive than the XC's, they are MUCH more comfortable and WAY lighter. I use my XC's when I first listen to a record, to get an idea of what it was meant to sound like, or discovering new things in records I am very familiar with.
Aug 4, 2018
YaBoyRobI find that hard to accept, but yeah, it's so true. I wholeheartedly agree! There is a point where sound quality can't be improved, but changed. It's why I don't buy headphones with the intention of seeking improvement, but just a different presentation. The $100-$300 bracket has many great offerings. It's in my opinion the best price bracket for getting great boom for the buck, my favorite pond to fish!
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