Perhaps an odd question, but these wouldn't happen to work on a ergodox board, would they? Would the firmware have to be altered to support these keyswitches specifically?
The_DoctorI suppose I was looking for a definitive answer as to whether the massdrop ergodox PCB could support these switches or not.
It has many holes for the pins but I don't know how they are internally wired, nor am I savvy enough with electronics to figure it out on my own.
lkongThat's a neat project and best of luck!
But I think, given this information, I'll just stick with the cherry mx switches for my (soon to be) ergodox. Thanks for helping me make a decision
Hi I'm new to Drop and i just received my Keyboard i have been waiting for months for by Drop x MTN Dew x Borderlands movie and didn't know if there was a software like Logitech's for the keyboards. if anyone could help please let me know
and also there is a height difference too. after all, keycaps are hard to find too.