All the color stabilizer keys have some issue, too tall, warped so that it doesn't return or get stuck. I'm able to heat up and fix the spacebar i think but the enter key is probably a lost cause.
Also the F J keys should come with both notch and non-notch. I got two standard J without notch.
Legends look clean i don't see any visual mistakes. They don't feel like a GMK set but they work. If you looking for a visual more then quality they will probably work as long as you aren't depending on the color stabilizer keys.
Here is my two J keys and an example of how the keys are too tall.
Andy_WhoI don't think you're using the right caps where they are supposed to be used. Depending on preferences for different layouts (e.g.: Dvorak), some keys are duplicate (or triplicate) and have different profile heights for different places on the keyboard. I think you're installing the wrong keys in the wrong areas and not completely understanding how to install the caps.
Just look at picture 8 @Andy_Who