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Jun 25, 2013
It's a pity that this is a glossy monitor. Is it feasible to create another poll for the Samsung PLS matte monitors from X-Star and Qnix? I hear they are superior in picture quality, cheaper, and are much easier to Overclock to 120Hz.
Jun 25, 2013
ted.lasI'm more concerned with back light bleed vs picture quality/cheapness/overclocking. Any way to get little to no back light bleeding?
Jun 25, 2013
drshdwI'm fairly confident that these monitors do not overclock.
Jun 25, 2013
drshdwdrshdw, backlight edge bleed is inherent in all IPS panels (as discussed). If you have unacceptable bleed in places OTHER than the edges, that's a customer service/exchange issue. If you go with the other eBay types, you're pretty much out of luck after the sale.
Jun 25, 2013
SeanCTrue, luck of the draw.
Jun 25, 2013
drshdwAFAIK, there is a way for the PLS monitors, but I think it may apply to IPS monitors also. basically, you take apart the enclosure, disassemble the panel, and use electrical tape to tape down the LEDs. Intricate work, but it seems to work for PLS. Overlocking a 60Hz panel makes a big difference for gamers and other users who view fast moving images. 120Hz seems to be the optimal rate. If these monitors do not OC, then it's because of the useless electronics (hdmi, vga, etc...). you only need DVI-DL. Keep in mind that I am a monoprice fanboi, and what they do is truly amazing. link: scroll down to "Monitor Fixes, Support, Help", and click on the "Tape Mod to fix back light bleed" hope it helps. if there are any other technical questions I can answer regarding such panels, let me know. Ill do my best, as i have spent a buncha time looking these things up.
Jun 25, 2013
tocirahlI agree. I haven't seen anyone claim it on the forums.