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Apr 18, 2016
i dont think i can buy it.
Photonet100Hi Photonet100, Please contact us directly about licensing your computer that is not on the internet. (info at fongaudio dot com) Basically, you will have to download the trial version of Out Of Your Head from another computer and copy the installer to your computer that is not on the internet.
Then after installing Out Of Your Head, launch it. Double click on any of the speaker presets in the Out Of Your Head Control Panel. Copy your computer's UUID value and e-mail that number along with: 1) Your Massdrop Out Of Your Head license redemption code 2) Which speaker preset you want to license.
We can manually generate a license file for you and e-mail it to you. You will have to download the license file from another computer and then copy the file to your computer with Out Of Your Head.
But don't worry, we can still license your computer without that computer being on the internet.
Thank you, -Darin
May 3, 2016
Darin_Fong_Audiohere are the codes a21afb8fd349fhf44abacd162508d8c 00yh md4 rkif l6se 7p34 tc
Photonet100Thanks @Photonet100, Since you published your code publicly, I went ahead and deactivated your license redemption code.
Please send your information via e-mail to "info at fongaudio dot com". I need your first and last name and the e-mail address you want to use. I also need to know which speaker preset you want to license.
I can then e-mail you a license file.
Thanks, -Darin
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