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Showing 1 of 32 conversations about:
Jan 22, 2017
why does some drop dont offer shipping to singapore? not that i saying those drop such as speaker (which is too buky and cost a fortune of shipping cost) but drop such as lamy fountain pen? And the shipping to singapore really quite high to bear with...
Jan 22, 2017
Jan 24, 2017
StevenxXDrops don't ship internationally for many reasons; including a vendor's distribution policy, past issues with shipping to a specific country, ramifications of shipping specific items like knives, etc.
In the case of LAMY, the reason why drops are not being shipped internationally is the vendor's distribution policy. The Commerce team is actively talking to LAMY to see if there is any possibility to ship internationally and they'll let everyone know if and when it is possible. For now though, we have to stick with US only LAMY drops.
Meanwhile, our Logistics team is always looking into shipping partners and methods that allow the greatest shipping coverage for our members. For example, in 2016, after shipping of knives was restricted to only the US for the EDC community, they worked with new couriers and organizations to open shipping to a select group of countries and are currently working on expanding that list.
Jan 24, 2017
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