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New Feature—Product Tagging in Photos (+ Giveaway!)

Hey everyone! After a successful pre-launch for Keyboard Club members, we are ready to roll out a new feature site-wide (with a bonus giveaway for those who contribute!).  Check out all the Battlestations submissions thus far! Mech Keys Battlestations

What’s this about a giveaway? More details can be found at the end! The short version: we will be giving away two $100 Drop Rewards credits to participating users who contribute and tag their Mech Keys photos using the Battlestations flair! In order to be eligible for giveaway prizes, your photo must include at least two tagged items (not required to be Drop products—see Tagging Non-Drop Products below).  Giveaway Categories:  ▪️ Random - selected in a raffle format; each Battlestation post submitted grants one entry into the raffle ▪️ Best Photo - selected by a committee of community members known for their incredible photography work as well as contributions to the community; criteria is ultimately up to the judges, including composition, lighting, set design, etc.
▪️ rmendis - rmendis runs Artisan Collector, quite possibly the greatest source of artisan history, guides, and stories behind the makers that we know and love; Instagram
▪️ LightningXI - Lightning is a modern-day renaissance man—streamer, keyboard builder, keycap set designer, founder of /r/ArtisanMacro; Instagram
▪️ Zekth - Zekth is the man behind Keycap Archivist, which hosts the most comprehensive database of artisan sculpt and colorway information courtesy of (started by beehatch, maintained by wonderful community members); Instagram
▪️ kustom3 - kustom3 is a longtime member of the community, and has been very active supporting the French keyboard community in a variety of ways (recently helping to make GMK Blanc sur Noir a reality); Instagram

THE PRIZES: Both winners described above will win the same prize—$100 of Drop Rewards issued to their account after the giveaway concludes! What is Product Tagging in Photos? Product tagging allows you to tag any products in a Photo post—both those found on Drop currently, as well as write-ins that will be manually approved and allow you or others to request new products that we don’t yet carry.  Detailed instructions can be found below: 

Posting a Tagged Photo  The process is designed to be intuitive and easy to understand without prior instruction. However, if you run into any questions or snags, the detailed instructions below should help. Also feel free to ask any questions in the comments and I will do my best to assist. Start to make a Photo post as you normally would. 
The photo upload process looks a little different than before, but should still be intuitive. 


Tagging Products When you get to the screen shown below, after uploading the photo and clicking ‘Next’, you will be prompted to tag products in the photo. In order to tag a product, simply click or tap on the product in the photo. This will bring up the product identification interface, which allows you to search for products listed on Drop (active or not). You have the option to be as specific as you would like to; for example, you could simply tag a keyboard as “Drop CTRL Keyboard”, or you might want to specify the type of switches and case color in addition. 



Note: A product tag cannot be moved around the photo once created; if you realize you want to move a tag to another location within the photo, you will need to delete the tag and re-tag the item.  Tagging Non-Drop Products If the product you want to tag is not yet available in the system, you will have the option to create an entry for that brand/product in the system. After the entered item is approved by the moderation team, that brand/product name will be available for yourself or others to select from the autocomplete dropdown at any point going forward. Manually entering a product in this way will also create a minimal product page for the item that will compile any photos which tag the item together. 


Sample product page for a manually added product: 

Tagging Additional Products After tagging the first item, you can then tag as many additional products as you’d like in the photo. 

Adding Flair After tagging the photo, you will be taken to a screen where you can add Flair (select “Battlestations” to be eligible for the giveaway), as well as a Title and Description. 

Finalizing Photo Post Tagged items will now be automatically added to a table below the photo for easy reference/linking when viewed. 

Browsing Photo Feed With Tags Item tags will show up collapsed in the corner of the photo when viewed (both on the post and in the Photos feed); hovering anywhere over the image will expand the tag names for everyone to see. 




Why would I want to do this?  It’s very common for people to come across a photo on the site and want to know more information about what products are in the photo—anything from keyboards and keycap sets to desk toys and widgets. Rather than needing to create a list below the image or in a comment (and find the links and mess around with formatting if you would be so inclined) this is a simple and straightforward way to share what’s in the photo with those who would be interested.  After posting your own tagged photo, be sure to check out the other Battlestations posts! Reminder—Giveaway! This was a long read, so in case you forgot...we’d like to give away some prizes to a couple lucky individuals who participate and tag Battlestation photos during the first week!  All you have to do to enter is post a photo to the Mech Keys community (with Battlestations flair) and tag at least two products shown in the photo (not required to be Drop products—see Tagging Non-Drop Products above). The initial giveaway period for submissions will be one week, after which time a winner will be randomly selected from the pool of entrants.  In addition to the random winner above, we will also be giving away a prize to the Best Photo, as selected by a panel of community members known for their photo work (and being amazing community members, lifting up the entire mechanical keyboard hobby).  Giveaway Categories:  ▪️ Random - selected in a raffle format; each Battlestation post submitted grants one entry into the raffle ▪️ Best Photo - selected by a committee of incredible community members; criteria is ultimately up to the judges, including composition, lighting, set design, etc.
▪️ rmendis - rmendis runs Artisan Collector, quite possibly the greatest source of artisan history, guides, and stories behind the makers that we know and love; Instagram
▪️ LightningXI - Lightning is a modern-day renaissance man—streamer, keyboard builder, keycap set designer, founder of /r/ArtisanMacro; Instagram
▪️ Zekth - Zekth is the man behind Keycap Archivist, which hosts the most comprehensive database of artisan sculpt and colorway information courtesy of (started by beehatch, maintained by wonderful community members); Instagram
▪️ kustom3 - kustom3 is a longtime member of the community, and has been very active supporting the French keyboard community in a variety of ways (recently helping to make GMK Blanc sur Noir a reality); Instagram

Reminder: photos must include at least two tagged items and be submitted by 11:59PM PT on Tuesday, April 25th in order to be eligible for both giveaway categories above.  THE PRIZES:  Both winners described above will win the same prize—$100 of Drop Rewards issued to their account after the giveaway concludes! Edit: Adjusted submission close date

Apr 28, 2023
Random winner has been selected! Congratulations to @Alexaxas!! 🎉 Prize will be awarded early next week, I'll shoot you an email with the details when that happens. :) The Best Photo judging is about to kick off too, so stay tuned for that coming up!
Apr 29, 2023
HoffmanMysterWow, that's awesome!
Update: We weren't able to get the emails sent in time for this (my fault), so in order to give everyone a little more time to clean their desks off and take some photos, we will be extending the submission time period to the end of next week Tuesday, April 25th.
Apr 17, 2023
Does it have to be keyboard related? Can it be audio related?
Gadgetguru63It can include both, but should have at least one mech keys product since it will be posted to the Mech Keys community section. If you're an audio-only guy, stay tuned for the Audiophile "Rigs" version of this same launch event. 👍
Apr 13, 2023
Thanks for featuring my battlestation :)
whoatacosThank you for sharing it! 😄
Oh, a couple more housekeeping items specific to DKC members: ▪️ Any DKC members who already shared their battlestations in DKC Lounge are more than welcome to re-post those in the Mech Keys Battlestations section to be entered in this giveaway 👍 ▪️ We will include the few posts made by DKC members in the Mech Keys Battlestations area just before this announcement - no need to re-post those in the same section again for entry, though you can re-submit if you want to make any changes with the Best Photo award in mind 🙂
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