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One-handed wireless touch-typing

A friend suggested that I share my project here. I've built a 10-key chord keyboard called DecaTxt that lets you get away from the desktop and type without looking using either hand. It pairs with Bluetooth 4.0 using a Nordic chip. It produces 108 keystrokes and has 96 of them printed on the label so you always have a quick reference (couldn't squeeze in the 12 F keys). It weighs under 2 ounces and is the size of a deck of cards. In 2017 it won an International R & D 100 Award as one of the 100 most technologically significant products of the year and beat entries from NASA, MIT, Dow Chemical, Hitachi and many more. I started selling some of them on Amazon.
Still hand building them here in the US and have a few dozen left from our Indiegogo Campaign. We originally built them as assistive technology for people who can't move much or see touch-screens but people who use standing desks like them too since they can walk a bit and not have to hold their arms out. Great if you just want to kick back in a comfortable chair too. Have a look at our latest video shown at the Synapse Summit in Tampa at Hope you like it.


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