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Drop + THX Panda headphones Listening Day

Happy new (y)ears everyone! For years, the Audiophile community has wanted an audiophile quality set of cans with wireless capabilities, but these have historically been mutually exclusive qualities. In 2020, Drop is changing that. We are happy to announce the official launch of the Drop + THX Panda headphones. The world’s first headphones to utilize THX AAA™ technology, Panda boasts the world’s lowest levels of distortion and transmits audio in its purest form possible. Powered by a Planar Ribbon audiophile quality driver, the Panda will produce true lossless quality audio with the cleanest linear amplification. This is a fully realized audio experience, packaged for music lovers of all kinds.  We’re very excited to be in the final phases of development with the Panda, and want to share the experience with as many of our members as possible. As such, we will be holding a special listening event on the 16th of January 2020 at 5 pm PST where you can stop by our office and give them a listen in person. We will have stations set up where you can listen to various samples we think best demonstrate the Panda’s capabilities as well as access to Tidal so you can use your favorite test jams.  This is meant to be a fun and fairly intimate event so space is limited. Some things may change slightly as we’re still nailing down a few final details, but date and time are set. If you want to attend, then please RSVP soon by following this Eventbrite link. Have a safe and happy new year everyone 🥂

Waaaaaait a minute. January 16 is the first day I’ll be traveling to LA for NAMM. It would be super excellent if Drop was attending NAMM as well, maybe to see if they could do distribution and marketing for any of the hundreds of audio companies that will be there, and maybe, just maybe, I could get some ears-on time 😁
Evshrug NVM, San Francisco is about 6 hours away. It would be excellent if one or two of your reps was heading to Anaheim during any of the days of NAMM, but I fully realize that would be a trip for them too. Still! It’s tantalizingly close!
Jan 2, 2020
Awesome. Zeos mentioned his first experience with the THX AAA was a small chip implementation with huge, clear sound. Makes total sense to slam that technology on some wireless cans. Will be exciting to hear the results from those who get to attend the "listening." I really support Drop in this effort. This wireless headset would check off some boxes non have to this point for me. I wish I could go!
SparkaMy Audeze Möbius ticks many of the same boxes, with hi res Bluetooth and a high-fi Planar driver, but these Pandas should have longer battery life, lighter weight, and less background hiss. Hopefully they have better sub-bass extension than the two Oppo PM3 I used to own.
Jan 2, 2020
Hello, can you tell us the Stat‘s from the Headphone or is a secret?Is it with cabel or Bluethooth?
Jan 3, 2020
KulpaGo see the other post about this headphone that came out in December. It is a Bluetooth headphone that can be plugged in passively as well. It has no DSP correction. It will support all important Bluetooth codecs. It will have only passive isolation that (they say) is on par with well fitting in-ears - it will not have ANC.
Jan 3, 2020
medu5aThank‘ man 👍
Glad to see the listening day, that is a great idea! I hope that the people who do happen to live in California, and can make it through the traffic, leave some impressions in here.
Jan 1, 2020
This is one way to get the word out.
I’m really looking forward to these. I’m based in the UK so can’t make the event. Can you say anything more about the tuning than you’ve already said?
Tsiklon I’m too far away to listen as well, but you’re further away still! Maybe someday we’ll figure out what these sound like ;-)
Jan 1, 2020
Right, effing, on. Can’t be there in person, but definitely have my support. Looking forward to hearing impressions. 👍🏻
Jan 1, 2020
These headphones will be dedicated to your DROP + THX AAA ™ 789 LINEAR AMPLIFIER amplifier?
Jan 4, 2020
They do add microphones and support to make phone calls (use them as a headset) as far as I know (:
Hey @medu5a! You actually have the acronym expanded correctly, and your post makes sense :-) I had originally typed out Digital signal processor, and some other stuff, that got lost when my app crashed. So I wrote a shorter version. A DSP is essentially a little computer part, like a CPU or GPU. Some companies even used to refer to DACs as a DSP, including Theta which was the precursor company for Schiit audio. DSPs can be used for many things, and not all manufactures are consistent in how they use the term 😅 What you say about Bose is true, their whole speaker line Is famous for using a proprietary DSP to make their paper transducers (speaker cones) sound like full range transducers and compensate for and undesirable native frequency response. Bose (and Sony, others) also uses a DSP in their active noise canceling headphones when listening to ambient noise and produce an opposite tone to cancel it out with minimal lag. I love to use DSPs that can generate a virtual Headphone surround sound (Binaural mix). So, as you can see, DSPs are used for all kinds of things. I personally think that the final end result matters more than how you get there, but if a transducer for example it has to be boosted to its limits to get a neutral treble or something like that, then you might not have enough headroom to keep it sounding natural and clean. If the Panda is similar to the Oppo PM3, then they don’t have to correct very much to get a very great sounding headphone. They also may be able to acoustically improve the subbass without DSP, which is something I always wanted more out of my PM3. And maybe “I” am using DSP wrong, but there needs to be some little computer to decode the different Bluetooth transmission codecs and such.
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