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Forum feedback

Ever since Drop moved to the new layout, there's been some issues with community feedback and how it's reported to the parties involved -- and the primary theme among these issues are that community members aren't seeing all the likes and saves and replies that their content is actually generating from other users within the forum. The email notices we get that someone's liked or replied to a post, the likes and replies we see if we click on the alarm bell icon, and the likes and replies we see if we actually go to the page and bring them up -- more often than not, these numbers are at odds. For example, if I click the bell I see this:
And yet when I go to that post I see six endorsements:
None of these are in my email, even though I've got all that checked in Settings for email:
I understand that you guys are going to work to do certain things in this forum, like help posts trend when they feature something bought from Drop, and to hide spam, and to discourage competitiors from advertising within your space. This is why we see posts 'trending' about things you're selling that have occasioned no actual comment, while discussions getting lots of replies somehow never trend, and indeed go entirely unnoticed unless people actively search for those discussions to find the replies and new content within them. And I'm not here to make a stink about that. That's fine, it's your storefront, not the Town Hall. There will be give and take. However, you've also made it plain that there are a layer of controls overlaying what the individual user browsing the site is allowed to see -- for example, in the case that a spammer is identified, they won't necessarily know that their spam is being hidden from other users. And this is a fair bit more worrisome to me especially as it may bear upon this topic. You're talking about advanced role based access control that is part and parcel of UX, and can be facilitated by RPA, which is to say it's something I know a bit about, which is to say I know how buggy it can be. It's been my primary surmise for months now that much of the wonkiness people are experiencing with the forum in respect to this issue -- many folks have reported it, one way or another -- is likely attributable to teething problems with this sort of code. At least I'd hope so, because that's a lot more charitable of an explanation than it being intentional. Can someone within Drop shed a little light on a) why we're having these problems with notifications and seeing everyone else's content and b) what next steps are to keep it from recurring?

Apr 16, 2020
Oh, and this crap?
I used to only get it when someone had deleted a post, which happens, but is rare. Now I get it left and right. And frankly, not for the kind of posts that people later delete. Seriously, you should just let people post.
@reswright I can shed some light on a couple of the concerns you've surfaced. Regarding the inconsistencies you're observing between number of people who've endorsed your content in your notifications and other locations... that's a bug. Slightly embarrassing, it'll be fixed soon. Concerning why you may be missing some social content emails, as you pointed out, it's essentially to reduce spam. We established limits on how much of a certain messaging type we send out to users within a given time period, so it's true that an email may not get sent for every individual endorsement, mention, or reply you receive. Especially true for those of you that make popular content. We're definitely not perfect and there's a lot of improvements to be made. Surfacing good content and making everything more accessible is surely one of those areas. We're all reading posts like these and taking in your feedback as we continue to develop the website and the community, so keep 'em coming.
Feb 14, 2020
JustinLai"so it's true that an email may not get sent for every individual endorsement, mention, or reply you receive." This is a woeful understatement and I expect you must understand that it is so. I mean, thanks for speaking up, but why'd you bother? To suggest that this was a matter of people missing an email here and there? It isn't. This is an issue of only occasionally getting the one out of many that your system would otherwise generate. I seem to get lots of sales email from Drop trying to sell me something, so I know you guys aren't really limiting all email -- you're just limiting community related email, and not even saying so until someone speaks up, which is distinctly sketchy behavior. Some people call that soft power, but no one calls it brave. just reframing it: you have a menu that allows members to control what sort of messages they can get, and hence already have the means at hand to let people choose what’s spam to them and what they want to see. If it’s about bandwidth there are better options than simply not sending stuff w/o letting folks know otherwise. I would counsel you to try and game your community a little less and embrace their behavior a little more. Don't suppress content and don't let 'bugs' linger that sure seem like they're underhanded features. If it gets so far that someone has to go to an outside source to document that it's still happening, nobody wins that one.
Lemme forward this to our site feedback people
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