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Audiophile headphones for Gaming ?

Hi, On a quest to find best possible headsets in range of 200-300 USD for gaming on PS4. Past Experience - 1. Tried Steelseries Arctis Pro + Gaming DAC - Returned 2. Currently using Beyer DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm - Planning to return as the sound signature is too bright for me. The high treble gives me fatigue & cracks at high volumes. (connected with Denon AVR 3500 at the moment, but I doubt the treble problem will go away even if I pair it with a decent amp/DAC) Amp/DAC - Most likely planning to get Soundblaster G6 as it is compatible with PS4. What should I buy next ? 1. Need immersive gaming experience. Prefer nice tight bass. 2. 30% competitive & 70% single player gaming. 3. No music. 4. Open back works for me as I have no background noise. 5. Country - Sweden. Many thanks.

Jul 6, 2020
I received my Sennheiser HD58x a week ago and using it with the build in amp that the Røde NT-usb mini comes with .. And OMG! I was torn between the HD58x / HD6xx and the HD660s - However, I don't regret going with the HD58x. I bought them for gaming only, since I rarely listen to music or anything like that .. They are beyond my expectation and left me totally blown away by the immersive gaming experience they provide. The bass is exceptionally good in games like Call of Duty. I'm not saying my skill level went up by 100% .. But something did happen to my overall performance. You will enjoy these headphones - Trust me! The total cost for me (with the extra earpads I ordered was about 2000kr (I live in Denmark) with tax, duty etc. If I had been able to get the HD660s for around the same price I would have gotten those instead, but they are still pretty expensive compared to the HD58x (even with tax an duty added).
Jul 4, 2020
Hey last_grimm, I would recommenced the Sennheiser HD58x's for a solid alternative to the DT990's for gaming. The HD58x's have less emphasis on the lows, and highs, with a somewhat similar mid range, with maybe a very slight bump in the upper mids. This results in the 58x' sounding "warmer" than the DT990's, and should be a solid alternative, particularly if you find yourself being fatigued by the 990's for being too bright. The 58x's also have very good imaging, I'd say very comparable to the 990's. In games, this translates to very good directional audio, so things like identifying enemies locations based on footsteps will be fairly easy, as well, stereo sound cues will be reproduced accurately. Even with the slight dip in the highs and lows the 58x's offer fairly good detail in both ranges. The highs aren't as clear and detailed as the 990's of course, but are a lot less fatiguing. The bass while not having as much extension, and less quantity, offers solid quality, and feels very tight.So bass response should be good enough for all but the most die hard bass heads. Also the 58x's require less amplification than the DT990's so you can easily run them without an Amp if you needed to, but they still can benefit from one. I wouldn't reccomend the HD6XX's for gaming. While they aren't terrible for gaming, the 58x's offer a better experience in that context. The 58x's and the 6XX's are very similar sounding headphones, to the point that some people can't easily identify the differences between the two for music listening. Gaming however is one place where the differences are far more apparent. The 6XX's have a bit more emphasis in the mid range, with a bump in the mid bass, but offer a bit less sub bass, as well as slightly recessed highs compared to the 58x's. For gaming audio the additional sub bass, and treble the 58x's offer should provide a better, more balanced and impactful overall experience. I'd say the most important difference however, is the imaging. The 58x's have better imaging than the 6XX's, so it can be a bit harder to accurately judge direction and distance based on audio cues alone with the 6XX's. The better imaging with the 58x's can lend itself to a more immersive experience, and even have a bit of an impact in gaming performance, particularly in high levels of play in FPS's. Also the HD6XX's, much like the DT990's require an Amp to reach their full potential. That said the Soundblaster G6 should offer enough power for either headphone. For context, I own and use all three headphones, and these are the conclusions i have come to after extensive use, and A/B testing. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, but I do think the 58x's should be the next headphones you should audition, as I feel they will fill your needs quite well.
Jul 3, 2020
What you have been waiting for, very close now...
search These folks, Audiopixels, are finally on the move again too, good stuff coming...
Jul 3, 2020
rastuswow, they seem to be very interesting. But doubt they will come below USD 300.
Jul 3, 2020
last_grimmWill stay high for a while and start down, just showing where it is going on really. I have a pair of theMEMS IEMS with a test board; details in the treble,, wow... bass of course really not there. Coupled with a dynamic driver as a "woofer", these must be outstanding for spatial detection and fun. For that spatial sense, the HD700's from my personal experience, do it best. There is something perhaps with that stainless steel mesh baffle, so easy to dent;) that gives the sense of directional origin with reflection off the stuff... An unjustly bashed set of cans, too squeeky for poor rigs; they can take distortion to new extremes, garbage-in/garbage-out... Sometimes on ebay for ~$350-$400, currently running higher, some are catching on that, yes,, they are not HD800's,, but nor do they cost as much. Search reviews for gaming HD700, the comfort is truly great for extended periods btw, as in not there, almost. Amps and DAC's, best level for the $ is a THX amp from drop, when back in stock, and say the El II DAC from JDS Labs. Another simple Hobson type method; Your Budget $ for AMP/DAC combo = best deal from Topping today. If you do want something integrated, the collaboration between Audio Note and EVGA is the best going, upgrade the HP opamp to a MUSES02 from a trusted supplier, fakes abound: Think of gaming play as music, it is,,, better score writers would be a plus... so get a nice pair of HD58X for a bit more fun, or a set of HD6XX for balanced, remember too much bass over-shadows detail, or a set of nice used HD700's for winning & Tchaikovsky. Nutcracker training
In the meantime watch for when the crazy 16 MEMS speakers with a woofer, cans do come out;) and become affordable, there is no reason why not, mass manufacturer ready, drop should contact for a collab.
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