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Where do audiophiles get their music?

I finely have an entery level audiophile setup and a ridiculous collection of headphones with 1 problem... Where do I get music?! At the moment I stream tidal mqa(whole other barrel o' monkeys) and i have all other popular streaming services, but where do I find 24/32 bit flacs, or any other lossless audio format? I have an lg v30 and a good external dac for my pc just need music. I spent hours researching and reading online but everything just points at tidal or something, plesse help!

Jul 14, 2020
Thanks everyone for your comments, this has really helped me & also in my searches I've found another services that seems pretty awesome (as they have interpol haha) Boomkat. I hope this helps others looking as it did me
Most of the good ones have been called out, but to add to some more info: Acoustic Sounds - usually have a discount code available for downloads, between 10 and 15%, they are also a great resource for vinyl if you are into that. HDTracks - create an account and sign up for offers, they run 15-25% off codes with regularity Bandcamp - a good source for lesser known, indie and occasional big names (Peter Gabriel sells there now). Can stream and download in a variety of formats, often include "name your price" and a higher percentage of sales go to the bands/artists than many sales pipelines. 7 digital - not bought much here but they do have some offerings the others lack Rip CD's - Use market has seen a bit of an uptick during the pandemic but still a good option for obtaining lossless files... and you have a backup should you ever experience a corruption issue.
Jul 11, 2020
I get the ones I really listen to from places such as Acoustic Sounds, trusted from masters, or DSD indie recordings from Blue Coast.

Jul 12, 2020
rastusGreat! Sound like good sources! Thanks
Jul 13, 2020
Finite_emporiumA stirring note rose above the cacophony,, a Linn was the first studio master FLAC file I ever heard. Stopped me dead in my tracks schlepping bags at a Architectural Digest home show. I had to ask “what was I hearing??”. That got me back in tune, back into audio again.

Jul 11, 2020
I usually rip CDs. They're cheap nowadays. Alternatively, some services let you download your music. I use Amazon Music for streaming (usually when I just want to casually listen or am listening through phone), and that app lets me download.
Jul 11, 2020
HDtracks have FLACs and DSDs and other lossless format for many popular recording artists. They also have a Free Sample which you can download and try out. Bandcamp have many indie artists and small recording studios that sells tracks and albums. Most of them have FLACs. Also there are artists there that have their tracks free or pay what you want.
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