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A closed back upgrade to the K7XX Headphones

I want something that is good for gaming, Has a bigger soundstage (if that's not possible as close to it), and sharper sounds for a game like Cyberpunk 2077, and I want it to have decent bass, my budget is $450, but I'd prefer the $300-400 range if it's possible, and I would really prefer to have them by next month but that's optional, Thank you everyone in advance for your suggestions, and Thank you for your time

Jul 23, 2020
Sorry bud, what you're looking for doesn't exist in that price range. The closest thing is a used Focal Elegia, which is discontinued. And it stages like a Focal, which means pretty small.
Jul 24, 2020
The thing that comes to mind would be a ZMF Verite Closed with the solid or hybrid Auteur pads. However, I seriously hesitate to recommend ZMFs in general to people without audition; they commit sins of commission (cup reverb, Verite in particular has a rich colored timbre) that not everyone will like. That being said, if you like the ZMF traits, the Verite Closed is absolutely the best closed back headphone I've listened to. Incredible staging, good imaging, very good delineation/decay, nuanced attacks, Utopia-like resolve/details (FYI, Verite open and Verite Closed are essentially interchangeable, with the differences being subtle. Yes, I can tell the difference in a blind A/B test, but I have to listen for it. And honestly, in a sighted A/B I sometimes forgot which headphone was actually on my head until I looked down at my desk). That and the Verite Closed is $2.5k USD. Not cheap. That, and it doesn't sound anything like an AKG. I haven't heard this personally, but the Drop Ether CX may be worth looking into. I've heard from sources I personally know and trust that it's a good headphone. You should be able to find it for a pretty reasonable price used. If you like the AKG sound, a closed Beyerdynamic might not be a bad choice necessarily. Personally, I dislike 90% of all Beyers, but hey, it's up to taste. Another option would be the Fostex TH-X00, which is unfortunately not being made anymore to my knowledge. I sincerely think that a used Focal Elegia should be something you should watch out for. It shouldn't cost more than $500 used (expect to pay roughly $400), and is actually a pretty good headphone. The unfortunate reality is that except for the Verite Closed, I've never heard a closed-back headphone that actually sounds as good as their open-back counterparts.
Jul 24, 2020
dcha12Thanks for the information, I think I will go with the DT 770 Pro 80 Ohm headphones (I just got a FX Audio DAC-X6 DAC/Amp for $50 used), and one day after I finish college and I'm doing well, I might get those fancy headphones
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