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What are deemed the best headphones for gaming?

I want to know what's commonly known as the best gaming headset to buy? I know a lot of people say at the end of day its preference. But there has to at least be a top-three where money isn't an issue. But also I don't want to drop 1k. I'll spend 3 or 4 hundred if these headphones are definitely worth it.
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Feb 23, 2021
Just received the PC38X and using it with a SBX G6, I also own a HD660S and TYGR 300R (used with a Fiio K5 pro), I'm currently torn between the HD660S and PC38X for gaming exclusively, I don't listen to a huge amount of music, and find the TYGR mids to be a bit too recessed, even after EQ'ing, I could sell the HD660S, but really reluctant as they were great at first and now the PC38X has come along, such a dilemma to have! Admittedly the build quality of the HD660S is much better than the PC38X, but can't help but feel like they're wasted on me and not really designed with gaming as intended use (HD660S), also having two sennheisers with similar frequency responses seems a bit wasteful, plus having dekoni fenestrated leather pads on the HD660S makes them very comfy and you can't get these for the PC38X/37X, game one or HD599 etc. For convenience the PC38X works best with built in mic, no wireless modmic to charge and attach each time I turn the gaming rig on.
Dec 17, 2020
if You’re playing competitively or FPS games where footsteps and pin point audio accuracy is useful I have the Sennheiser HD 660s and even though it doesn’t have a big soundstage it has amazing accuracy to know exactly where people are coming from, I have it paired with a Schiit magni heresy and a Schiit modi 3+ amp/dac and it’s also a great setup for vocal music but if you play more solo player or open world games that don’t only require precise imaging the Beyerdynamic dt 1990 pro has a wider soundstage and is almost as accurate as the 660s but is a great all arounder and has a punchier bass. Some people argue that a wider soundstage is always better for FPS gaming and footsteps but I feel like having a wide soundstage can be distracting especially if it’s not accurate.
Jan 22, 2019
My english is not top notch but If your are looking for competitive fps at home in a noise free space here is the tier list (the hd800 is off this list as it cost a shit tone of money to be run at 100%) First ppl have to understand when it come to fps the difference between huge soundstage and detail,u can have big soundstage like AKG K712 Pro but with just average positioning audio at close to midd range in Cs go for example. 1:ath ad700x (90 to 120 $) Best in slot...but boring as fuck when it come to music/movie or even some casual gaming like Tw3. 1/2:ath ad1000x (300$+) same as 700x but this one is really nice for any hifi use if u like AudioTech sound. 3:DT 1990 (450 $+) 250 ohm need at least Schiit stack or same range of Amp. 4:HD 660s (450$+) 150 ohm same as Dt1990 with less precision for pinpoint enemy position 5:HD 700 (599$+) 150 ohm Dac/amp needed,could be the best for some ppl,but it cost 600$ in most country and can be loved or hated for other use so...if u are in for this can buy to amazon and use the 30day return if u dont like it. Ps:Do not use any virtual suround gimmick with any of this headphone. For Dac amp combo i recommand: 1:Arc dac by mayflower 240$ 2:Schiit stack modi/magni 200$ 3:SoundblasterX g6 (do not ever use the "scoutmode") 160$ all of them can power up 250 Ohm headphone .
Jan 29, 2021
EpokzThanks for this. I've tried: AD700x DT1990 HD660s (Will soon test the Sundara) But out of all of them I've found the AD1000x to work best for games like Rainbow Six Siege. AD700x was great but I found I had a hard time pinpointing the exact location of sounds. The AD1000x did a better job of sound separation. The DT1990 was just too much detail and I had a harder time identifying an enemy location. The HD660s was just...bad lmao. Not bad headphones but for R6 not great at all (I would take the 700x over it). Have you tried the PC38x yet? Any comparisons to the AD1000x?
Jul 28, 2018
Try SuperLux cheap and good.
Jul 26, 2018
It was not this post, but another talking about HD700's as gamers, that first made me think,, really sooo expensive,, then re-thought... damn... their perfect... the sound stage,, the detail... the long wear comfort... eBay used <$400...
"HD 700- okay you may not want to hear this, but these are AMAZING for gaming and movies. These headphones are one of those "you love it or you absolutely hate it". Incredibly comfy for long sessions, and the soundstage is absolutely breathtaking. I tested them out with the Witcher 3 and I was awed. They are so immersive. I am still within my return period for amazon, but I may just keep these for gaming. As for music, well if you listen to anything with alot of treble like the cymbal/high hat in rock and metal....well it may sound annoying. They reveal everything and they have a treble spike around 6k. Very comfortable headphone that is fatiguing with rock music. Best headphone for gaming ive used (ive used the game ones (essentially 558s, 598s, 600s, 650s, and cloud alphas). Id like to add that cloud alphas are so amazing for their price. not the greatest for music, but they do a fine job."
Jul 26, 2018
I love you guys! This is what I've been wanting. I'm so tired of hearing people discuss hyperx, Corsair, and steelseries as the only options for "best gaming headsets" I'm new to the headphone audiophile scene. But after buying a Sennheiser dac and the Game one, I knew there were better options out there. They are just never advertised. I now have homework to look at each and every one of these lol. But if I can add something. I will say that I bought the Sennheiser GSP 500 and it did sound good and I was able to hear things clearly. But it didnt wow me at all. I was disappointed. They weren't loud enough and i wish that the bass was just a tiny bit better. they were very uncomfortable as well. To many cons.
Jul 26, 2018
Depends what you're looking for. If you want to be immersed in the music and sound effects, just buy the best headphones/dac/amp fitting your preferred signature in your budget. HD650/6XXs have just the right amount of warm tilt to be really pleasant and non-fatiguing, and you can pair them with the Schiit Stack (Magni/Modi) to come in at $400 exactly.
If you want to cheese footstep sounds and positional audio cues, you probably want something thinner and brighter with a wide soundstage -- the Audio Technica AD700X have been well regarded for competitive gaming for years now, and I've found the K702 to do pretty well at it too.
Jul 26, 2018
Personally, I enjoy my Focal Elex for gaming. Much like my loudspeakers, they have very good dynamic range so it's very easy to discern distances between soft and loud sounds. Throw in their high level of detail retrieval of micro/macro details and you have a set that performs better than one would think. Most only seem concerned with soundstage but that point is worthless if the set has poor imaging and detail retrieval.
Jul 26, 2018
It depends on if you want exaggerated bass for fun or accurate footsteps. DT 770s are great for exaggerated bass while not losing accuracy. Don't game in HD 600s because there is no soundstage at all. HD 650/6XX are decent. I heard that HD 660s/DT 1990's are amazing but you'll have to drop ~$600.
May 17, 2020
When you say properly configured 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound, what do you mean? I have the 6xx’s and can understand what you mean by the “3 blob soundstage”. Also - I find that sound that comes from one direction only comes from one side of the headphone, not both sides pointing to the source. Does 5.1 or 7.1 surround ameliorate this linear source sound? Is such a thing possible on headphones like the 6xx?
MousseySurround sound as in 6 or more speakers surrounding your gaming seat typically powered by a receiver or other surround processor/amplifier. Wasn't referencing simulated surround on HP, only games with poor sound implementation benefit from additional processing in my experience.
Jul 26, 2018
I would go for the Philips Fidelio X2 based on its reputation and your budget (said to be very open, and bassier than the K7XX). Bass is the only area where the K7XX is lacking for gaming.
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