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Why is it advertised as a balanced amp when its neither balanced internally or at the output (xlr measures the same as 1/4 inch) ? The only differences go on in the cable which are not a part of the product. Don't get me wrong it's a good amp at a good price but this type of advertising just feeds into all the misinformation in the audio industry.

50% upvoted

Oct 31, 2021
I don't have this amp, and I don't know what kind of circuitry it contains, but it doesn't matter if it's not internally balanced, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't have a bridged output. Bridged outputs provide four times the output power, but that's their only benefit when driving typical headphones or loudspeakers, which are inherently balanced anyway and derive no benefits from being driven by balanced drivers. "Internally balanced" amplifier circuits are generally utterly pointless and provide no benefits that can't be provided by simpler, cheaper circuits. I agree that advertising is often misleading and dishonest, but in this specific case, it's not. The problem here is the ignorance of audiophiles and reviewers who have no clue what balanced circuits are and how they work. Further reading, written by Very Intelligent People: Bruno Putzeys: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html? John Siau:

Nov 26, 2021
jgillinghamoh yeah I know it really doesnt matter here, its already delivering 1.9 watts on low gain into 33 ohms... just why put it in the title of all things when its not even true
Mar 3, 2022
jgillinghamoh thanks for putting this all here, without it my comment wouldve been pointless since only people who already know why it doesn't matter in this case would understand it. anyways I ended up getting this amp, and for anyone who saw my other comments either the channel imbalance issue was fixed by switching to better potentiometers or I just got lucky. Really flawless, only thing it cant do is drive electrostatics or speakers :). quick tip for anyone getting moderately hard to drive headphones like a 560s which is most people, and not some really hard to drive aeons, its actually a lot better to run on high gain turning it up a little then on low gain up high. Though you would think its still enough power on low gain while being slightly cleaner, it sounds significantly less harsh on high gain. Anything like a 598 though keep on low. Was purely subjective and only had my friends 560s on for about 3 minutes but it was pretty obvious. Could also be that the 560s are have lower sensitivity then whats listed on the specs that I just searched up quickly though, but on whatever you get I'd at least try it out even if you don't think your headphones need the power. Maybe the power output curve is a double bump across impedences? (since I only have measurements at 33 and 350 and nothing in the middle like 120). It logically wouldn't be voltage or current limited in the middle of the 2 and that's a sweet spot, but maybe whatever opamps or whatever is used in it switch to a different mode at a certain threshold and there's an independent voltage limit at low gain. Doubt Ill get an answer on this but could explain what I heard.
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