Warning: The circuit layout was incorrect, use it with your own risk.
I purchased this AMP in last year but start to use it since last month.
There always have a POP noise while the AMP power on, this is normal because the circuit output have a 1000uf capacitor.
I decide to void my warranty and add a switch to avoid the POP noise.
Open the case, remove the 3.5MM jack then start the trace the signal path.
I found there is a PCB layout error exist in one the channel.
The hand drawing line are the error in that channel.
Can't tell what will happened to your headphone !
If you have solder tool, this can be easy to fix. (I assume you have basic electric know how).
Cut the point B resister feet, move to point C then solder it.
Anyway, the warranty will expired after April.
For those who still interest this AMP, please ask DROP to force the supplier fix this error and better add a output delay circuit on next version.
Enjoy !
I can't replace my unit because out of the return windows.
I can't get the warranty because I tear it apart.
But I didn't ask for that, all I need is that DROP should talk to the supplier and ask them fix this error and please add an replay circuit on next version.
For this request, DROP didn't response.....................................