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801 Sold
Product Description
Solidly built with a significant heft, the Ocean tube amplifier is made from solid aluminum and decked out in a bright cyan finish. The 12AU7 tube produces a warm sound signature that lightens up any track Read More
This headphone amp has crazy power. It was my first headphone amp, and it was finicky to use (pops loudly if you switch it one with the headphone Jack in), and has stupid power. Used it with the HD58X, and it was too powerful for the headphones. I couldn’t get it past 10 o’clock.
It's a mile away from the most refined amp, but it is fun with just the right amount of "danger" for a hybrid. It runs hot (not due to the tube), and after one big pop through pre-outs on turn-on, I've always turned the Bravo on FIRST without headphones plugged-in, external amp on second after warm up. Opposite on turn-off. Thump felt violent. This delivers plenty of output for high impedance cans. Guessing the output impedance here may be highish also. Given the amount of gain here, which is extraordinary, it probably FEELS like it is more powerful than it is, and benefits from turning down the input source down if possible. There is certainly channel imbalance low in the pot, so another reason to decrease the input signal. Given probably not the most "noiseless" amp, with massive gain and imbalance, I wouldn't be using this for IEMs. I've run Beyerdynamic 600 ohm models from this satisfactorily, and I think devices that present a more challenging load will be more satisfactory. I didn't love it as much with 60 ohm Koss units. This pulls porch duty for me now and I'll probably spend more time with it this winter. Just ordered some tubes for rolling and a socket extension. Will probably also cheaply upgrade the power supply if beneficial. I think this came down to $40-50 range when I bought it. For someone wanting to get a touch of tube for cheap and doesn't need refinement - this is still a good grab for less than $70. The MT-602 from xDuoo is a better, more stable unit for a bit more money, less warty, less raw. But sometimes, baby, I like it rawwwwww.
Warning: The circuit layout was incorrect, use it with your own risk.
I purchased this AMP in last year but start to use it since last month.
There always have a POP noise while the AMP power on, this is normal because the circuit output have a 1000uf capacitor.
I decide to void my warranty and add a switch to avoid the POP noise.
Open the case, remove the 3.5MM jack then start the trace the signal path.
I found there is a PCB layout error exist in one the channel.
The hand drawing line are the error in that channel.
Can't tell what will happened to your headphone !
If you have solder tool, this can be easy to fix. (I assume you have basic electric know how).
Cut the point B resister feet, move to point C then solder it.
Anyway, the warranty will expired after April.
For those who still interest this AMP, please ask DROP to force the supplier fix this error and better add a output delay circuit on next version.
Enjoy !
I can't replace my unit because out of the return windows.
I can't get the warranty because I tear it apart.
But I didn't ask for that, all I need is that DROP should talk to the supplier and ask them fix this error and please add an replay circuit on next version.
For this request, DROP didn't response.....................................
For around 60 bucks it is a good value for an entry-level hybrid amp.
Note that it is intended for high impedance headphones and lower impedance ones will get distorted pretty easily at higher or even medium volumes.
Great amp, gets really loud with ATH-m50.
There's a few things about it that are annoying. Most of them can fixed with the mods in this thread but I haven't gotten around to doing them.
One thing I don't like is the cage around the tube. It's rusty and cheesy looking. I removed it on mine.
One unavoidable problem is the fact that the line out isn't a pre out. This is annoying if you want to have headphones and speakers. Plugging in headphones will cut the signal to the line out, only letting the headphones work.
However, this is really meant more for headphones and this does a really good job. It should be able to power 150ohm+ headphones pretty easily without distortion.
If you have some high impedance headphones and just want to try out tube amps, this is a great choice.
I would also recommend getting rubber feet to stop it from sliding around on your desk.
I've been using this amp for a while now, and I think it's great. Out of the box, the amp has plenty of power for pretty much anything you throw at it, and the sound quality is good as well. I have replaced my stock tube with a Mullard 12AU7 tube, and even if it is just a placebo, I think it made everything sound a bit more fuller, and it's my preferred amp when not using something like IEMs.
There was a bit of rust on the chrome bar when the unit arrived, but I was able to easily clean it off. If it's that big of a deal for you, I think the unit looks a bit better without the bar on top anyways.
I've been using pretty much every day for the past four months. It improves bass in IEMs nicely like the BLON BL-03. I love the sound. Ridiculous for the price. Treat it right and dial the volume to zero for 30 seconds before turning off.