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Dec 3, 2014
I'm a little confused at the USB thing, "DACmini constantly streams audio- even when the USB input is not selected" does that mean the DAC mini becomes a mixer when you have both USB and other inputs going into it? For me that sounds horrible I don't want my optical cable to mix its sound with my USB input
DeuSCaNoNNo mixer. DACmini simply holds the stream active, so that the computer doesn't stop playback (or worse yet, close the music player app altogether and forget what you were playing) if you switch to another input. This is done so that when you switch back to USB, music continues. If you think about it, a connected CD player would continue to play if the receiver was switched to the turntable, or some other input. So by this logic of convenience we are treating the USB input the same as we would treat any other source. Switch to it, it plays. Switch away, it still plays, but you don't hear it. Switch back, it still plays. Nothing crashes, the computer doesn't know you went away.
Dec 3, 2014
CEntranceAhh thank you very much for the clarification then. Now I have to make the really tough decision between this and the Asgard2. Man I wish massdrop wasn't so good at getting amazing products for so cheap, they make consumers have to make tough decisions :P.
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