Hey everyone! We are beyond excited to launch the new CSTM80 keyboard today! CSTM80 is in-stock and ready to ship—no wait to try it out. We also offer no-hassle returns if you are unsatisfied with the board for any reason.
I recommend checking out the Studio Stories for CSTM80 if you haven't already and are interested in the development process and learning a bit more about features/design.
▪️ CSTM80 Under the Hood▪️ Matching the Keyboard to the Battlestation▪️ Gasket and Sound
Lastly, BadSeedTech just released a video detailing his thoughts and impressions (along with his own sound tests of various configurations).
▪️ DROP Took Notes! CSTM80 First Impressions
Let us know any questions you might have in the comments and we'll do our best to answer! :)
kYzzoWe plan/hope to release all of the popular form factors, yes. The next one to launch will be CSTM65, which should be in early 2024. After that, both 75% and 1800 would be in contention for the next layout (not set in stone yet).
for someone who is looking for a good-priced custom keyboard, this is the way. I'm typing on it as I'm making this review and it sounds and feels incredible. I highly recommend this to anyone and the amount of customizations you can do truly make it CSTM !
(mod edit: removed URL per community guidelines)
fabianlThere are a few schools of thoughts here.
Some purists feel wrist rests actually make us type in a more incorrect manner and can cause poor typing form.
I personally found wrist rests to really help with typing / gaming fatigue and I prefer having them. Though it is annoying how much more space it all takes up when you need the desk space for something else.
I found the Orca Wrist Rests to be pretty good - the TKL one is about 0.5 in smaller than the width of the CSTM80. In terms of material I prefer the harder ones like wood / resin over the soft neoprene wrist rests.