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Showing 1 of 1098 reviews about:
Oct 27, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
Not much to be said about this amp. THX line of amp give you great measurements that result in very fast, transparent and clean amp. Sound is neutral and will show color that comes from your source, preamps, speakers and headphones in every detail. The 789 at $239 is great deal that is hard to beat in terms on measurements and transparence. I previously owned thx one linear amp and SE sound identical to 789 even though the power out put of 789 SE is slightly lower. The one linear at $150 is powerful enough run most headphones and if you plan stick with signal ended then go with one linear amp. If want the performance of balance or planned down line to go balance then get 789 liner amp instead. If you plan to go with pre tube amp do not get one linear amp as you not get best quality (IN THEORY BUT I DID NOT TUBE MY ONE LINEAR) since tube out is so high and input power of the one linear is so low you run into sound quality and sound level issues.
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Feb 25, 2024
allsmilesb2 years and average of 5 hours of using the amp the volume pot introduces static when adjusting the volume until you set the volume. The 789 is legend for what it offered at the time but build quality tends show will not last if it's your everyday amp. Luckily their are many alternatives to the 789 in terms cost, features, sound and performance. I am recently replaced my 789/O2dac combo for Toppings DX3 Pro+. The 789 is sharp amp that can seems more detailed and the layering seem more distinct because of the sharpness. The topping seems just as detailed but subtlety has less sharpness . The bass/mids are touch fuller cause does not have sharpness the 789 has that make bass and mids dry. The DX3 Pro+ is nice 789 replacement with more features subtly better sound for me. Hopefully the Topping will last me longer that the 789 did.
Feb 25, 2024
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