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Jul 12, 2014
aaaaand thats what i get for assuming it was a non limited quantity.
Jul 12, 2014
SL89A few hours in they posted " Hey guys,
As most of you know, this special project has been a work in progress for the past two months. There were many hurdles we had to cross to ensure we can commission a special production run for these.
As a result, it does mean the quantity available for this drop is limited. This also means that, on the pricing front, we are not expecting to be able to get another price drop at another quantity level.
If you are on the fence on this, just buy it now before they are all gone :) "
Jul 13, 2014
idontknowBe that as it may, they should have let us know up front in the initial drop info. Some of us would have juggled some finances to make sure we got in on the drop instead of waiting for payday and missing out because the quantity was limited. Not everyone camps on the discussion threads on every drop they're interested in.
Jul 14, 2014
TechParadoxI'm not trying to be mean but perhaps you should see the bright side of things here. You have $140 in your pocket and you don't need to juggle any finances for such a pure luxury item.
Jul 14, 2014
CocoThepugWhatever, dude. Don't pretend to know my finances - I can afford "pure luxury items". With the drop announced for 10 days, I figured I could easily wait until after the weekend to avoid having to move money from one account to another. It's not my fault they didn't announce it as a limited run in the initial drop listing. I guess next time I'll just have to camp out on the discussion on every drop I'm thinking about participating in to make sure I don't miss out on any sudden announcements regarding limited quantity.
Jul 14, 2014
TechParadoxI really doubt CocoThepug was trying to make any negative comments concerning your finances; IMO they were just going off of your earlier suggestion that "[s]ome of us would have juggled some finances" in order to buy the keyboard. And it's not like you needed to camp out on the discussion board in order to see their warning -- there's a link at the top of each discussion page that links to Massdrop's most recent update. You can click it right now if you'd like, and you'll see it takes you directly to their warning concerning the limited quality of the boards.
That being said, I wouldn't freak too much over missing the deal. It looks like they were limited to 300 boards, and judging by the "you and 296 other people made this drop a success" message on the top of the page, three people have already dropped out. Massdrop also picks up a few extra of each drop for use as referral gifts or replacements, and usually we see a few of each item reappear as part of their bazaars. Either way, Massdrop would be crazy not to run this drop again at some point in the future. Given the incredible popularity this drop had they've got to be making a killing through the sales of this board.
Jul 14, 2014
TechParadoxI'm not gonna pretend to know your finances my friend, Just sayin I also have regrets having purchased this keyboard while I already own a mech. I didnt need to juggle finances and yet I'm kinda kickin myself for being so impulsive. I'm sayin maybe the grass is just greener on the other side, and in the case of the limited production run of this KB, the grass suddenly turned very green on the other side for the people who were too late.
Jul 14, 2014
IacoizumiNo kidding, they'd be silly not to do this again!
I thought it was funny when the drop was in the process of selling out extremely fast and the community asked for another price drop at a certain quantity. The massdrop guys must've been like "Why on earth would we provide more incentive when the drop is selling out this fast???" haha they had absolutely no reason to offer another $5 drop point and lose out on $1500
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