Logitech’s Artemis Spectrum RGB Gaming Headset delivers audiophile-quality 7.1 surround sound and total comfort to suit any gamer, whether competitive or casual. The 40-millimeter Pro-G drivers are made with new hybrid mesh materials for ultra-clear sound through the highs, mids, and lows. With two different programmable lighting zones, the Artemis Spectrum looks the part, too. In addition, it’s built with a crystal-clear mic, sport mesh ear cups, and a comfy headband to facilitate long gaming sessions. The side of the device is outfitted with three programmable G-keys, which allow you to input commands, audio profiles, and push-to-talk communication at the press of a button. The headset allows you to play wirelessly for up to 12 hours, or with a wired connection, and it’s compatible with PC, mobile, home theaters, and gaming consoles (via an adapter).
Note: At checkout you will have your choice of the Black or White G933 Artemis Gaming Headset.
Estimated ship date is Nov 12, 2018 PT.
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