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Frequently bought together:
DarkVoice 336SE OTL Headphone Amp
xDuoo TA-30 Tube DAC/Amp
Product Description
Made with Focal’s brilliant engineering and extraordinary attention to detail, the Elex headphones take a fundamentally different approach to dynamic drivers—and deliver a better measured performance across the board than headphones several times their price. A refinement of the $1,000 Elear with elements of the $1,500 Clear, they boast several improvements to the sound, build, and aesthetic, too Read More
Can I get a show of hands from people within EU and UK that are interested in this product?
Maybe worth contacting them direct if the numbers stand up, I don’t mind putting in a little work...
Answering my own question: I received my Elex with a broken factory seal which had been taped over. I got very concerned given bad past experiences in the past with retailer like B&H selling open-box items as new. The QC issues reported here didn't help either (I really didn't want an Elex that has been returned by someone else).
It turned out the fulfillment person is breaking the factory-seal to insert a packing slip!I really think Drop should reconsider doing this. Just stick the packing slip in a sleeve on the outside of the box. Or even better, just forgo packing slips (at least for orders containing just one item). But please do not break the factory seals of new items for this!
I’ve tried them both. These are much more dynamic & faster, but the HD800 takes the win for comfort and soundstage. The sound signature is completely different on these two headphones - the elex is an “upgrade” from the hd650, and the hd650 and Hd800 are built for different purposes (casual listening and monitoring, respectively). So if you are trying to choose between the two I’d say trial the 650 and 800 first, and if you prefer the 650 just go for the elex.