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Mar 2, 2018
Cross posted over on the HE4XX drop page: I'm looking to get my feet wet in entry level headphones, but I'm not ready to buy a headphone amp. I'll plug directly into a pc and stereo receiver. Mobility isn't a concern. What do you think is the most practical pick? What do you think is the most interesting sounding choice? HE4XX? HD58X? Something else? Both are advertised as "audiophile" grade headphones that don't necessarily need a headphone amp to be enjoyed. I'm not looking for the be-all end-all, just a place to start.
Mar 6, 2018
c0rneliusI havent listened to 660s 150ohm driver to confirm, but at best these are going to be "listenable" with mobile and non-amped sources. The HE4XXs are a good option, and planar's are quite exciting, but still require an amp to sound impressive even with their low impedance. honestly i am hard pressed to pick either one. When the HE400s came out they were widely considered the best bargain in mid-fi, if the 58Xs ship as impressively as i expect after they tune up the bass roll-off then they will be a rediculous steal at $150. Both will not be available for 6 months at the earliest i imagine...i would jump on a 6XX drop before waiting for either of these to drop again.
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