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Apr 11, 2014
No problems so far with the keyboard - I'm typing on it right now, in fact. It's going to take a bit of getting used to, but I like it a lot. Only beef I have with it so far is that the caplock/scroll lock lights are pretty much hidden by the Home/End block, so if you accidentally turn the CapsLock on while typing in a password field or something, you're not going to know until you lean forward and look for the light. ...that and the voice notifications that were included with the driver package sound like someone recorded them on a headset mic while they were writing the driver. Ugh. That sound feedback was the second thing I turned off, right after switching the "breathing" mode of the keys to always-on.
May 26, 2014
TechParadoxI straight up disabled my caps lock, I know in doing so I lose my "cruise control to coolness." but I'd rather not shout ACCIDENTALLY...
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